Princess Persimmon

Interesting! I have a male princess persimmon and honestly I cannot see much difference between the two. Yes, the male looks a bit finer but not by much at least the one I have.

Here is the persimmon as I was putting a three point display together with a zelkova and a small fiber optic grass (isolepis cernua) accent for the Winter Silhouette Expo in Kannapolis, NC.

And here it is set up at the show. I relocated a couple of the fruits for better overall balance being attached with fine wire. The original stand proved to be too overpowering, so ended up finding a simpler and smaller one by pure luck at one of the vending areas and rented it for the weekend. The jita for the accent was also too big so it was switched out for a much smaller one.

I had Owen Reich critique my set up. Overall he thought it was very good and discussed with him the finer points of display. He did place the accent just behind the zelkova which made the display more unique as one almost always sees them placed more in the front. I used a light blue cloth to make the display more colorful and contrast against the orange fruits and pick up the blue in the Koyo container as well as in the accent pot.

Here is the display being professionally photographed by the great Joe Noga. Many thanks to him for devoting so much time and care with each tree in the exhibit!

Wow love the final image, small tweaks make the biggest impact. That stand you rented is really nice too. Owen is a good resource to tap, I enjoy working with him.
Wow love the final image, small tweaks make the biggest impact. That stand you rented is really nice too. Owen is a good resource to tap, I enjoy working with him.

Thanks Juds! As you well know this is a game of degrees. Everything counts! Every year Bill goes around the entire exhibit and does a critique of each of the displays. I got high marks from him as well which was good to hear. He did ask me about the persimmon being planted slightly off center. He explained that in round pots the tree should be planted right in the center. Also I chose a pot angle that shows one of its four feet facing straight at you. He said to turn it slightly to show both off to the sides for better visual stability.

The photos from the exhibit were taken with my IPhone so they look darker and more yellow that it really was. The trunks/branches of both the persimmon and the zelkova are muck whiter. I am waiting now to get the good photo from Joe Noga.

Owen is a great resource. We sat next to each other at dinner and always a very interesting guy to talk to. LOL we also happened to be the only two decked out! He looked pretty sharp in a suit! He has great things to say about you and he told me you're just as cool as you seem. No doubt! :D
Really an excellent tree. The fruit is wonderful.

Thanks Fred! Last year I got only one fruit without a male tree. I bought one and this year it gave me seven. Actually ten but three dropped off mid season. Hoping in the future for more but we'll see. It is very interesting to see differences in fruit color between one tree and the next. The other persimmon exhibited had fruits that were almost red and rounder than mine. They almost looked like cherry tomatoes.
They almost looked like cherry tomatoes.
Yeah, @bonsaibp posted some shots from his Japan trip where they were just like this. I do prefer the pointy orange ones. Guess you have to see them in fruit to get the right kind. Do you find this an easy plant to keep? I have several fruiting species on my list of wants (needs!!!) and this is one. But trying to stay away from difficult species for another year or two while I get used to azaleas...
Would love a pic of you and @Owen Reich in your apparel! El Choppo and da Man.:D
Yeah, @bonsaibp posted some shots from his Japan trip where they were just like this. I do prefer the pointy orange ones. Guess you have to see them in fruit to get the right kind. Do you find this an easy plant to keep? I have several fruiting species on my list of wants (needs!!!) and this is one. But trying to stay away from difficult species for another year or two while I get used to azaleas...
Would love a pic of you and @Owen Reich in your apparel! El Choppo and da Man.:D

I also do prefer the more pointy and orange fruits. To me they look more persimmon-ish than the round ones. The fruits look almost fake in their orange intensity.

In my experience they are quite easy to grow. You must have a male tree to be able to get fruits. Julian Adams has them. Like most fruiting trees, princess persimmon have coarse ramification. Although I do wire them, they look best looking more natural and not overly styled. They do need winter protection. They can take a hard freeze but not subjected to constant frigid temps. I'd say best to keep them just above freezing to be safe. The autumn color is nothing great in my experience but they do make for it in winter when bare with fruits.

Lol unfortunately Owen and I did not take a selfie together. We should have but we were too busy looking good! :p
So it's routine practice to relocate fruit to a more aesthetically pleasing location?

The male form gives better fine branching & ramification?

Why not then combine both forms? Transfer fruit from the coarser female to the finer male?

Or am I being daft?
So it's routine practice to relocate fruit to a more aesthetically pleasing location?

The male form gives better fine branching & ramification?

Why not then combine both forms? Transfer fruit from the coarser female to the finer male?

Or am I being daft?


good question...
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