Funny enough, that Bald Cypress is in my collection! One thing to note, almost all(I actually think all of them but not 100% sure) of the Bald Cypress at Mirai is from Mary Madison's collection efforts. There's probably 4-5 raw/unstyled ones left and 3 finished trees. The major differentiating factor about Mary's trees is the area she had collected from, all had naturally stunted Bald Cypress trees. In other words, none of these trees are chopped. The height that you see currently is their original collected height(and would explain the differing age estimates). In addition, if I'm not mistaken, the age estimate is also based off other Bald Cypress trees collected in the same area being cross cut to count rings(the ones that didn't survive for whatever reason) so there is a point of reference(albeit it's all estimates).