Mirai tree sale

Last few hours of the sale and it seems Mirai dropped prices on unsold trees.
Last few hours of the sale and it seems Mirai dropped prices on unsold trees.
...by how many percent? 75% blow out sell or 5% to lure in more buyers. Am going to check it out.
...by how many percent? 75% blow out sell or 5% to lure in more buyers. Am going to check it out.
He is actually holding a contest for the most opulent description of a tree , and if it’s more opulent than his then it’s yours … 21K drop to 18K 🤯
He is actually holding a contest for the most opulent description of a tree , and if it’s more opulent than his then it’s yours … 21K drop to 18K 🤯
Some lower end trees were drop about 25% but still about 50% over what I willing to pull out of my wallet. It is safe to say I will never own a Mirai tree in this lifetime.
Some lower end trees were drop about 25% but still about 50% over what I willing to pull out of my wallet. It is safe to say I will never own a Mirai tree in this lifetime.
Although I understand you, I would have bought the maple if only for Mary / @Sansokuu ’s pot. But alas I am in Europe and probably would have been to late anyhow. @ Mary I like your pots do you ship to Europe?
Although I understand you, I would have bought the maple if only for Mary / @Sansokuu ’s pot. But alas I am in Europe and probably would have been to late anyhow. @ Mary I like your pots do you ship to Europe?
I can, they are tiny enough to be reasonable even after all that VAT business. ☺️ I might put up an online sale after Nationals.
I can, they are tiny enough to be reasonable even after all that VAT business. ☺️ I might put up an online sale after Nationals.
You going to give me the first dip right since you will be sending me a tree when temp cool down? :-)
I can, they are tiny enough to be reasonable even after all that VAT business. ☺️ I might put up an online sale after Nationals.
Looking forward to it.
Apart from some of the high quality collected conifers, a lot of the trees worked on the streams are either nursery or field grown stock. That means if one had a few connections, did some research, made some contacts or happened to do a bit of serious nursery crawling or even collecting, you might stumble upon material like that yourself, at much lower rates. Sorry to say this again
Well, yes, but then it wouldn't have Ryan's hand in styling it.
I think many underestimate the insights he brings to the table.

It is this age-old story how you do not pay the mechanic for the 10 minutes of work to fix something that no-one else was able to fix. You pay for the decades of training and experience she brings to the table that make her able to fix the problem in 10 minutes.

Do not charge by time, but charge based on your experience and uniquenes
Does anyone own a tree of his from a previous sale?
I have two, but also among my favorites in my collection are collected trees from Randy Knight that Ryan has helped me style into bonsai.
Someone fat fingered in an extra zero?
ah this looks like the fourth of July stream tree, yeah? this is a nearly perfect Mirai tree for me... but a bit too early for it to go on sale!

I need at least a few more winters (and maybe an IPO...) under my belt before I grab a high end tree.
I wanted to buy this one but my husband nixed it. Someone else got it at the sale.
I had a meeting at 1 and now looking at 1:26 there are a lot sold out already

This bald cypress looks a lot like a pond cypress
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