Anyone else catch the Mirai stream on the new nutrition concepts he's been working on with Apical AG from August 10th? I just watched it in the library a couple of days ago and found it extremely interesting.
In (a very short) summary for those that didn't watch it, basically everything in fertilization and plant nutrition comes down to ratios between the different macro and micro nutrients plants need. Just because a fertilizer off the shelf is "balanced" (ie, 5-5-5 NPK) doesn't mean our trees are balanced on the inside, even if they're green and growing well. "A tree could look healthy on the outside but that doesn't mean it's healthy on the inside." That's why we're having to spray insecticide and fungicide more and more. A truly healthy tree could have up to 95% resistance without the need of spraying anything.
Also, most fertilizers sold in stores mostly contain the NPK and other trace elements, but are missing one of the most important nutrient: Calcium. In Ryan's testing of his trees at Mirai, he mentioned 199 out of 200 trees were calcium deficient.
The point of the stream in general is to test our trees and figure out exactly what they have and what they need, and take the recommended steps to detoxify them and balance the nutrition by feeding them what they actually need.
What are your thoughts on this? I'd love to get my trees tested, but at $85 per tree for testing, it would add up quite quickly. I'm thinking of testing one or two of my trees to get a general idea and go from there. Even though supposedly it can vary quite a bit between species, even if they're fed the exact same thing. No matter how much I try to keep up on fungicide regiments, I always seem to struggle with it year after year, especially my trident Maples. That's why I'd like to give this new way of looking at nutrition a try and see if it improves.
Anyone else thinking of testing your trees?