Brian, I have some photos of Michaels place, but not one from Randy's or Neils'. We had limited time, and the day went dark very early. I had barely enough time to see just Randy's trees. Made it to Ryans at dusk, plus, all the trees were on the ground, and I left my camera at Randy's place. I wasn't too worried about photos as I know I'll be back. Sorry guys
Chris, lava's not bad. But it too holds too much moisture per Michael and Randy. Michael gave me a good talking about that Turface lol I've got a source for the same pumice they use from OR. Get enough people and we could get it to us here. I thought my trees were healthy, but the roots I've had bad problems with staying wet and gross brown but alive roots in Turface and Turface mixes. Seeing what really healthy trees looks like, and the beautiful roots I saw puts for me, everything into perspective. We can't work a tree, develop a tree more quickly with crap roots.