As I'm sure you know well, the comparison is especially complex given that a true ceteris paribus is not appropriate in this situation with regards to several variables. Take water for example: watering both substrates 'equally' (i.e. with equal volume and frequency of water) is almost certainly not the best approach when comparing two substrates for your purposes. Rather, the volume and frequency of water would need be adjusted to optimize the performance of each substrate so that you would be comparing each substrate 'at its best'.
Ah, but here you are scratching on a completely different story. I just wanted to know what Akadama does compared to the regular substrate I was using. I did this already a few years back, when I was figuring out what to use in my pots and still had akadama laying around. Just recently got around writing it up and really thinking about the consequences.
In an ideal world I would have a multivariate analysis, where I have lava / pumice / bark base-mix with either akadama or diatomous earth mixed in, in a randomized blocks. To check the effect of optimized watering, I would have one block where I water every day, one block that gets watered when the akadama gets dry, and one where the DE gets dry. (Highly unpractical as probably the acadama stays wet so long that the plants in DE die). Then compare.
However.. I water ALL my trees in the garden at the same time. Only pines might be spared water when I do my daily dance. That means that I care for them the way I care for all my trees.
Considering the only thing I changed in the setup was the substrate, I am convinced the differences are due to the substrate. WHAT in the substrate causes it, is still open to me. Be it reduce oxygen in the substrate, or some magival tubular structures.. I do not know. I *think* it is the akadama breaking down over time, reducing waterflow & oxygen movement through the soil. And because it is not immediate, but slowly gradually, the roots have time to adjust to the new circumstances, becoming finer. Slow rootgrowth & slow top growth are related, fysiologically, afaik.
there is no need for backyard studies most of all because of the impossibility of performing a controlled and fair experiment.
Maybe not. But for
me there is/was a need. I noticed a lot of conflicting opinions and I wanted to see for myself what A does vss B. Now I have seen and this has given me enough reason to re-evaluate my way of doing things. Sorry, my way of doing things include not understanding -> Find a way to understand -> test the idea
. Had I had the intent to make this a scientific paper, I would have given it more thought.