Soil Wars-Turface

While I've seen turface used successfully by people like Julian Adams I think it's being called a bad substrate from those who have easy access to better substrates like akadama, pumice and others.

I was out in Portland a few weeks back after Michaels post. I had a chance to stop by Randy Knights and then we were up at Ryan Neil's. While looking at the trees there were two weaker ones they mentioned they were nursing back to health. Both they'd gotten from others that had been using a heavy turface mix. They were healthy when they got them but they went downhill in the turface based mix. They didnt go into specifics and i didnt ask as i dont use it in my mix now, but they seemed to have a strong dislike for the product.

I think the main thing to take away from what Walter wrote and what Michael blogged about is yes you can grow trees in fosilized monkey poop if you want to. Does fosilized monkey poop give your trees the optimal environment? No. Can you grow just as healthy trees in it? Maybe, under certain circumstances but its not optimal. Not saying turface is as bad as something fosilized, just using something way worse as an example.
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You need to get friendly with your neighbors. You should be able to show them exactly what to do to keep your trees in tip-top shape.

Missed this sorry.

I am friendly with my neighbors. One even asked me to water their garden for a month while vacationing in Florida last summer. I can ask them to do the same for me but it is just not me to do that.

Same neighbor gave me a key to their house less than a week after moving in. Not sure why and as much as I protested, they insisted (that is weird for me and something I may never do).
Missed this sorry.

I am friendly with my neighbors. I can ask them to do the same for me but it is just not me to do that.
So it seems you are sentenced to wilting azalea and whatever else you have that needs water to survive. Let us all know how that works out for you.
Interesting, azaleas.

There is one growing down here from Lafayette, Louisiana, since 1980. Never tried to bonsai it.
Pot is about 24 x 24", and just a simple mix of canadian peat and perlite.Every once in while it is lifted and 1/2 the growing soil is cut off, and more of the peat/perlite mix is added.

Fairly reliable bloomer for several months.

It's wine coloured, and about 5 years ago, it was split into 2 other plants and a pink, with a red was purchased locally.

The soil mix was suggested by books back in 1980.

Hope to see the red as a bonsai some day. These are obviously not Japanese types, but they grow well down here.
Good Day
So it seems you are sentenced to wilting azalea and whatever else you have that needs water to survive. Let us all know how that works out for you.

Maybe. That is why I am playing with my soil suit my needs. After that event was rectified, no problem since.

My dad has taught me "to paddle my own canoe" that is how I lived and doubt it will change for this old dog.

My azalea is actually forming lots of buds now. I am excited since it will be the first time it will bloom (it was collected June 25, 2012)
So it seems you are sentenced to wilting azalea and whatever else you have that needs water to survive. Let us all know how that works out for you.

That kind of defines Dario's character. Even when it is in his best interest he refuses to acknowledge the existence of, and the need for, others. His existence and experience does not extend beyond his own nose.

Having bonsai is in some ways is like having children. They take training and care and sometimes it is necessary that you leave them in the care of others for a short time. You leave them by themselves and they are totally dependent upon what you do for them they may suffer and sometimes die. Unlike human children where the police will come and haul your selfish ass of to prison for neglect, there is no bonsai police to do likewise. Playing with your soil mix may just create more problems even more difficult to cure. Neglect can be cured easily, root rot is a big problem.

Geeze the more I think about this the more convoluted the entire thing becomes in my mind. Dario; you come here and share all kinds of stuff to inquiring minds asking about how to grow bonsai, you certainly do not hold back. But yet, when faced with the opportunity to teach someone about bonsai that lives right next door, who has given you a key to his house, you refuse to let him water you trees? There; is the opportunity to convert the wicked from a life of mowing lawns and racking leaves to the glories of bonsai. But; because of your arrogant pride you refuse help and worse; allow some valuable trees to suffer and die.

Another thought crossed my mind. I looked at the post count. Over the last 15 years or so I have amassed 809 while you, have 1159 in what----less than two years? It seems like you have an open mind and your every thought is spilling out, You know there is a Biblical proverb about that: You shall know a fool by the abundance of his words.
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That kind of defines Dario's character. Even when it is in his best interest he refuses to acknowledge the existence of, and the need for, others. His existence and experience does not extend beyond his own nose.

Having bonsai is in some ways is like having children. They take training and care and sometimes it is necessary that you leave them in the care of others for a short time. You leave them by themselves and they are totally dependent upon what you do for them they may suffer and sometimes die. Unlike human children where the police will come and haul your selfish ass of to prison for neglect, there is no bonsai police to do likewise. Playing with your soil mix may just create more problems even more difficult to cure. Neglect can be cured easily, root rot is a big problem.

Geeze the more I think about this the more convoluted the entire thing becomes in my mind. Dario; you come here and share all kinds of stuff to inquiring minds asking about how to grow bonsai, you certainly do not hold back. But yet, when faced with the opportunity to teach someone about bonsai that lives right next door, who has given you a key to his house, you refuse to let him water you trees? There; is the opportunity to convert the wicked from a life of mowing lawns and racking leaves to the glories of bonsai. But; because of your arrogant pride you refuse help and worse; allow some valuable trees to suffer and die.

Making stories again Vance?

IF my neighbors show any interest in bonsai, I will be more than willing to talk and teach and share them everything I know. Otherwise, I won't FORCE it to them.

FYI, NONE of my trees died because of what I am doing or done. A couple may have suffered and wilted but that is it. I fixed it MY way and worked so far.

I am not crazy not to get (pay for) help when needed (extended vacation perhaps) but leaving them on weekends proved to be workable. Again, I am not into hand outs and passing my responsibility to others...unlike some.
Another thought crossed my mind. I looked at the post count. Over the last 15 years or so I have amassed 809 while you, have 1159 in what----less than two years? It seems like you have an open mind and your every thought is spilling out, You know there is a Biblical proverb about that: You shall know a fool by the abundance of his words.

Check your numbers...I have more than 5,000. Let me make a fool of you do. I won't let you monopolize it. ;) LOL

Truth be told, IF I ever meet some of you guys, I'll probably be one of the most quiet of the bunch and observe. Knowing how well some people can change stories (and believe their lies too) is amazing. Here things are written and can be verified/reviewed and still get manipulated to whatever they believe (or want to see). It is amazing...really is.
Check your numbers...I have more than 5,000. Let me make a fool of you do. I won't let you monopolize it. ;) LOL

Truth be told, IF I ever meet some of you guys, I'll probably be one of the most quiet of the bunch and observe. Knowing how well some people can change stories (and believe their lies too) is amazing. Here things are written and can be verified/reviewed and still get manipulated to whatever they believe (or want to see). It is amazing...really is.

This amazes me------you hear only what you want to hear--------
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