100% positive!Gnarly looking trees. I hope they all root too!

100% positive!Gnarly looking trees. I hope they all root too!
hahahaaaa. I like your quote! I wish my yard was bigger!Bonhe in Vietnamese for Tree Hoarder!
I thought this fungal factory was failed, but I am wrong! It started waking up on 8/31/16. It is growing fast day by day. I imagine how fast the fungal disease can grow in the human body or the plants!I just mentioned fungal growth in other post. I found this fungal manufacture in supermarket this morning. I intended to grow oyster mushroom for a while. This small box is very good for my intention. It costs about $10. I bought one to try. If it is good, I will try to grow it with my way in the near future.
I followed the instruction on the box. The lid was removed. I can see a lot of fungi spores ready to grow.
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I like to show you this interesting signs on the big pomegranate cutting done on 8/30/16.I got the pomegranate pieces yesterday.
I soaked them into the vitamin B1 diluted solution for almost 24 hours (with plastic bag coverage) and put them into the plastic pot this afternoon.
The soil mix is pumice: coarse sand: mini pine bark with ratio 1:1:1
The 1st one.
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Me too!
Those are Yuuge! Did you mention the name of this jujube already? What's the texture like on those? Grainy or crisp?We have got Santa Ana wind here for 3 days. Dry hot air combined with lot of sunlight is excellent environment for jujube tree! I guess I picked more than 2000 fruits. The fruits are really big and sweet! Every time I went to the garden, I had to get few jujubes to compensate for the hot dry weather!
Jujube is one of the excellent fruits which contributes to human's health. Chinese people has been using it for herbal medicine thousands years! You can see this link to know its benefit
My mom told me that she slept like a baby when she ate just few jujubes a day!
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