I messed up and am nearly out of LS, and need a ton for for prepping trees for Sat...need to buy some this afternoon, or give-up on the idea of bleaching deadwood for Sat.... Figured to ask since I figure there's SOME type of "common enough" type of brick&mortar store that may stock this, that I may be able to find (probably sold as insecticide/fungicide for citrus, I believe?)
Thanks for any help on this, totally my messup of course, had waited til last minute thinking I could expedite from bonsai jack via ebay and he's not on there anymore (and then I was busy...then it was now
Thanks for any help on this, totally my messup of course, had waited til last minute thinking I could expedite from bonsai jack via ebay and he's not on there anymore (and then I was busy...then it was now