Squarepants with Conkers
We must be aware of the "fingerprint" of each failure.
THIS statement is really “stickin”
...and I understand.
And thank you.
We must be aware of the "fingerprint" of each failure.
THIS statement is really “stickin”
...and I understand.
And thank you.
I was talking to the Sorceress about what makes the complete loss of a greater civilization possible.
In the city, people are reliant on what the city is providing, so when shit hits the fan...ahem Covid....the first people to kill themselves off are in the city.
When they get out to the sticks to find what's left of what's left to survive, the motherfuckers from the sticks, who could always shoot better, kill them off.
This trails down to the only people that know how to survive, which, are the people I respect the most...
View attachment 317348
And with all the ignorant lazy fucks that die, so does their needless technology.
That's why I see "evil" in the electronics.
I'm superselfish.
It's our hearts that lead us to the next chapter.
Things which "underground bunkers" can't provide.
Fuck em.
The water filtered through earth in the caves is forever.
Their bottled bunker water is finite.
Blanco es Stupido.
I believed we discussed this in a dream, actually,,,
I actually separated myself, about 10 years ago (round the birth of my first child) from pop culture, social networking, and “news” (that wasn’t delivered via “word-of-mouth”).. as a sociological experiment.... haven’t felt any need to “look back” ... i can’t afford to become a “pillar of salt”... sodium’s tough on the liver.
I was even veeery hasty (at first) to becoming a member of this community.. as it seemed to possess many of the electronic/ social networking “evils” I began to notice “stumping the mental growth of the common population” which drove me away in the first place...
But my love of nature “won” THIS particular battle... I’m glad it did... I like it here.
we are all the same.
When the money burns...
Hehe! ...can’t wait.
(Strange sidenote; how many chickens are you allowed to keep? What’s the permit situation? I think I picture you living in the Chicagoland area in which I drove to LOTS... then INSTANTLY back out. Haha Similar to where I lived in Detroit)
3 hens, it was 2, but I think they realized (people faught for) one chicken is good as a dead chicken so 3 is allowed on case one dies, 2 can be comfortable till a third can be obtained again.
Chicago allows more I believe.
On a walk today, youngin and I were contemplating the fact that vee keeping is illegal, but, it is not law that one must destroy any beehive found, so that's a stupid law eh?
2 minutes later we came across a discarded carpenter beehive, which....isn't illegal?
Fucking stupid as all hell!
Not sure I could live somewhere where chickens and bees were illegal.
There is something to be said for living out in the swamp.
Just finished building a hive today.
Got 15 hens and two roosters
4 homing pigeons and 3 Turkish tumblers
30 or so sticks in pots and other cool and aesthetically pleasing plant life Growing in and on interesting containers.
And a partridge in a pear tree.
Mistakes rule and I love the chaos and failures of a pit firing. They make the successes more satisfying.
If you are not failing regularly, you aren’t pushing the boundaries. What’s the fun in that?
a few suggestions -
[1] A clay body that works for you.
[2] A firing that reaches the temperature you want each time.
[3] Pit firing usually levels off at 850 deg,C
and leaves inside the body with carbon, then the body decays.
[4[ As a test blend clay to say a clear glaze [ 06 ]
See how much you need for a vitreous body.
[5] Explore pit firing through the centuries and tribes [ Africa / South America/
Greece and so on ]
Depth of pit ?
Good Luck reading.
Regular Bricks are roughly earthenware temps.
Fireplace Bricks roughly Cone 6 or stoneware temps.
K26 firebrick indicates 2600F (I believe melting point) the are other k's.
They all melt accordingly.
Regular Bricks can be good for an earthenware type "pit kiln". But there is a danger of them Spalling which can ruin pots if the pieces fall in.
They can be a good second or third layer on higher temp stuff.
You should try to gather enough clay and sand to make an igloo shaped kiln.
Cover a large bouncy ball with clay, then deflate it and pull it out of your kiln. Then fire it.
Beach ball.
Ball of beech leaves?
A woven fabric of sticks that will burn out?
It'll be easier with support.
Precisely what I was thinking.It's some Iron...likely magnetite. Sounds like you have all the good materials! You can find uses.
What I see is the hut....getting fired! Lol!
But seriously.
It's almost the same project.