Squarepants with Conkers
I know nothing of pottery beyond high school art class when we did some horrible pots and a renn faire pot coil and then spun type pot where I left an air pocket somehow both inspected and fired by professionals in real kilns.
So my lack of education on the topic covered, could you use an infrared thermometer? Some of those go into the thousands of degrees and cost as low as 20 bucks.
Also watch for demolition and remodels, fire places being taken down could be a source for fire bricks for pit lining material. Not sure it will help at all.
A fan/blower to increase oxygen and thus heat?
Would using charcoal or coal help? Have you considered watching thrift stores/garage sales for turkey fryers as a heat source?
Those are my uneducated WAGs (Wild Ass Guesses) sometimes a random thought from someone that knows nothing can give you an out of the box idea just by thinking of how wrong they are. Lmao.
Thank you!
These are all wonderful ideas!
I will MOST definitely explore a few of those avenues. The infrared Thermometer first.

A fryer’s heat source is a great idea....