Terra Cotta: My musings on...and resulting actions with.

Dang! I must’ve missed this initially!

Sweet! Thank you!

I just hope something like that is available once I get 50 dollars together.


I would totally PayPal the dude the loot if you could pick it up.

Please ask him if he'll accept payment like that, and if you want to do it, let me know.

I fucking got you brother.

You deserve it.

It's already been paid to me forward.

I would totally PayPal the dude the loot if you could pick it up.

Please ask him if he'll accept payment like that, and if you want to do it, let me know.

I fucking got you brother.

You deserve it.

It's already been paid to me forward.


Wow! Thank you so much!!
I will look more into it once arriving back at the homestead.

I will be in touch. ;)
Wow! Thank you so much!!
I will look more into it once arriving back at the homestead.

I will be in touch. ;)

I messaged Robert.
Have you found the Ad?

It says 1hour from Two Creeks.

I got that fuel too no worries.

This is for being a highly integral part of the Welcoming committee, at least.

I messaged Robert.
Have you found the Ad?

It says 1hour from Two Creeks.

I got that fuel too no worries.

This is for being a highly integral part of the Welcoming committee, at least.



...I’m blushing.

I have not, yet. I HAVE messaged my father to see if he could pick it up for me. (My parents live in Two Rivers, ironically) because I just have the Honda.. i should be back home in like an hour and a half.
I was thinking about thinking about helping you strap it to a roof.

I got them straps too!

Whatever it Takes!

I getting excited for you!

No worries, doesn’t hinder my enthusiasm or “stride” ;)

Just “pit-fired” Terracotta test 6.. the clay, pre-firing was my lightest-colored batch yet.. possibly my best refinement “modus operandi” thus far.. I will take pictures once it WONT melt the dermis off of my fingers..

So maybe tomorrow morning.. but hopefully later on tonight.


Soooo....some things. It’s been hard wrapping my head around a way to accurately and adequately post a portrayal of what “I have been up to”.. pertaining to this thread.

So first things in the middle, i found another half-bucket of refractory cement in the basement of the store.. so i decided to start experimenting.. my original going was to cast a “drop-in dutch-oven-esque” thermal container unit.. to attempt to control temperatures in a “pit-fire scenario”

A slow-cooker insert was used as a mold, a dutch-oven lid was filled with said cement.

I never intended on utilizing the slow cooker’s heating unit.. but would be remissed NOT to give it a try this way, with no expectations.

The electrical components were examined and a simple 2/3 to 1/3 divided heating coil with a relay switch triggered by a thermostatic control valve... easy peasy... I’ll give it a go...

So terracottatest 6 - (worksmanship is WEAK I tried a new building technique that CLEARLY needs more refinement).... Two Creeks clay - fine Teamesh dry sifted- 24hr “proof time” 180 degree dry/set....Fired in dutch-oven kiln.... fried a fuse around 6 and 1/2 hours in.

Going to have to try it out “the intended way” soon.
Is everybody in?.....

Is everybody in?....
The ceremony is about to begin.
You’ve seen your birth, your life, your death...
You may recall all of the rest.


So... i still had a fairly decent amount (maybe 25lbs pre-filtering) of the aqueous filtered clay that I had previously determined “aesthetically sub-par” (due to the high organic particle size of the utilized filtration method)

I also decided that the terracottatest using DE filter-grade powder’s lack of success was simply due to the fact that said piece was NOT completely fired.

I then schemed up a way to RE test the effectiveness of DE in my clay body AND make multiple pieces to test the temperatures of my “dutch oven-pitfire-insert-kiln” apparatus.

To add further to the chaos, when the clay body was being mixed, the wrong cup was grabbed (oversight), and an unknown quantity of refractory cement was added and “wedged” right in. 🤦🏼‍♂️....yup.

Sooo terracottatest7 - two creeks clay - aqueous-filtered 1/12”(ish) - 10 percent filter-grade DE to dry body - x-units of refractory cement - 48 hr proof - 165 degree set/dry (wasn’t too sure about the aluminum :) ) pit-fired in that beast of a contraption.. bout two hours of blaze.. 1 and 1/4 hours embers.

Oh yeah! ...my cement insulation i casted into the dutch lid fell off somewhere in there.

Slappin’ some bricks...9645E097-0FB3-4576-A8E2-BF6D0087AB20.jpeg

...from the previously discussed “terracotta7” or “FrankenClay’s Monster”... not fired yet... but something is in store.
Well I can say it, but it doesn’t help. 😂😂

I’m keeping my eyes open for some sort of high-heat measurement device.. hehe! Just REEEEAL poor.
I know nothing of pottery beyond high school art class when we did some horrible pots and a renn faire pot coil and then spun type pot where I left an air pocket somehow both inspected and fired by professionals in real kilns.

So my lack of education on the topic covered, could you use an infrared thermometer? Some of those go into the thousands of degrees and cost as low as 20 bucks.

Also watch for demolition and remodels, fire places being taken down could be a source for fire bricks for pit lining material. Not sure it will help at all.

A fan/blower to increase oxygen and thus heat?

Would using charcoal or coal help? Have you considered watching thrift stores/garage sales for turkey fryers as a heat source?

Those are my uneducated WAGs (Wild Ass Guesses) sometimes a random thought from someone that knows nothing can give you an out of the box idea just by thinking of how wrong they are. Lmao.
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