Terra Cotta: My musings on...and resulting actions with.

Sacrificing your phone for Bonsai.
Welcome to Crazy!

We gotta learn how to extract the lithium from the battery for glazes!

I knew a glass artist in Madison WI, that used uranium oxides in his glass. The glass would fluoresce in different colors depending on the light, so cool. I ran into him 5 years later, he still had all his hair, no obvious signs of radiation poisoning. Be careful with your glazes. Heavy metal poisoning is not fun.
Hmmm.. I do have to go down ''waukee way'' in 4 months to have a tube [for the lack of a better word'' of my liver removed and subjected to testing. [hows THAT for a ''baller'' piercing?]
And about the glass blower [nintendo 3ds wont let me respond directly]... whoah! Talk about a total dedication to your craft and belief in what you do.
I feel like proper documentation is important to the progression of science.. no matter if the outcome is a success or not.

Terracottatest 4: - Two Creeks clay - 1/8” aqua filtered - 180 degree set/dry - 24 hr “proof time” - no (besides natural) temper - pit fired again.. but i slightly modified my process.

lithium oxide = 1.4 gms poisonous to child
can also harm those on lithium treatment
Look uo Monona Rossol

test 10 % dried clear glaze with 90 % dried body
[ also functions as an aid to dry the body ]

Good Day
lithium oxide = 1.4 gms poisonous to child
can also harm those on lithium treatment
Look uo Monona Rossol

test 10 % dried clear glaze with 90 % dried body
[ also functions as an aid to dry the body ]

Good Day

My thanks in your direction, Anthony.


Terracottatest 4 - made “frosted” and “drippy” (for lack of better terms).. like lightly iced zucchini bread. Hehe


I have also composed and sent an e-mail to “Clay on Steele”, a local pottery studio about purchasing a SMALL amount of Lithium Oxide powder... so fingers crossed...
Lithium Oxide

What the F!

You shouldn't!

I was joking!

Don't make the "blind" kid actually blind!

But seriously......

There is no need for lithium in these experimental processes.
I have been doing everything to avoid all sorts of these things that have the potential to ... (Insert your worst fears here) ...to your ballsack!

Plenty of beautiful be finished can be had without the use of dangerous compounds.

What the F!

You shouldn't!

I was joking!

Don't make the "blind" kid actually blind!

But seriously......

There is no need for lithium in these experimental processes.
I have been doing everything to avoid all sorts of these things that have the potential to ... (Insert your worst fears here) ...to your ballsack!

Plenty of beautiful be finished can be had without the use of dangerous compounds.


Point taken.... those are important parts.

Taking a few steps back...


Have you ever experimented with ash or salt methods?

Point taken.... those are important parts.

Taking a few steps back...


Have you ever experimented with ash or salt methods?


That's what I'm talking about! El Natural!

Oooo it's caustic! F✌️ck caustic!

I've used some ash in glazes.

Problem with ash and salt is they don't melt or vaporize till well over cone 8ish.

I been thinking about salting this kiln up if it's "life" is near over by the end of Summer.

Hmm ------safety first please.
Lithium oxide is also used for LOW EXPANSION in bodies and glazes.
Do you need that property?

If you render the body 1 to 3 percent water absorbing ?
Hmm ------safety first please.
Lithium oxide is also used for LOW EXPANSION in bodies and glazes.
Do you need that property?

If you render the body 1 to 3 percent water absorbing ?

I do not believe it is necessary at this point in my venture. But will catalogue the informational specifics for future reference.

Thank you.
(((Update: Terracottatest4)))

So after finishing coating test4 with a dull clearcoat for a dripping, “frosty” effect, I subjected tests 1,2,4 to elemental exposure proceedings...

After a day of observation, I noted that just number four wasn’t actually fired all the way....

So I fired it again... NOT taking into consideration for any moisture that may have been absorbed during the exposure trial... NOT focused on the fact that the paint on the exterior would drastically change the temperature/time of the heat conversion to the clay’s surface.

Sooooo.... boom!

Terracottatest5 - Two Creeks Clay - 1/8” aqua sifted - %20 (filter grade) Diatomaceous Earth Powder present in clay body composition - 36 hr “proof time” - Pit fired on brick - (slowly evolving technique.. to “mimic” more control. 🤣) - Needs to be fired again, but thought I would share.

Terracottatest 5 - Second Firing - despite the
Cajun style
appearance, I am VERY satisfied with the %20 filter-grade DE powder within the dry body’s composition and overall “demeanor”... almost no shrinkage or alteration, no cracking, even though it got toasted..... lightweight and strong.

Of course, firing schedule is paramount to all, the slower the better, control not really achievable in a fire pit.
...it’s this control I’m struggling with/FOR. :) :) :)
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