Squarepants with Conkers
And no, about the UV light.. that sounds fun!
THANK YOU for sharing that story.Reading about your quest here, seems to be reinventing the wheel and that is always an interesting endeavor. It remind me of a short story "the voyage of the ant". This guy wanted to build a birch bark canoe which by some has been achieved numerous times and was fairly unremarkable. BUT.......he wanted to do it without the aid of modern tools. He wanted to wonder into the forest armed with nothing but his hands and history. He had to find and then learn flint knapping to create the stone age edge tools good enough to cut the wood to build the ladder to cut the goes on and on. He also had the find the clay to build and fire the pot that boiled the wood to bend the frames and reduce the sap to make the pitch that covered the seams of the birch bark canoe. Named the "Ant" it was to pay omage to this insects slow, relentless progress to a singular goal. It makes you comprehend how we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors. Took him 6 years to complete and he paddled it from upstate NY to the city down the Hudson.
I'm sure your quest will result in a deeper understanding and appreciation of all things clay.
Nice! Those are superb, my friend. What are those smaller “hiding guys”?Yooperlites. They may only be on Superior, though that seems geologically impossible, but it would make it more cool if you found one!
I'm on the PC so a better photo of these seconds....
That leftmost one is the golded clay body mixed with porcelain, so sexy, if that makes it through winter it's going on the menu!
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Hehe! Too late.. T’will work with what I have.. for now.. THIS whole “plan” i had been discussing with the Raku lady was ALL about utilizing the propane burner in my EXISTING kiln.. so I may just buy that burner YOU mentioned for the “new project”If you haven't bought it, look into a weed burner. Used. Or...gulp...Harbor Freight has the cheapest ones. Like $30. Simon Leach uses them to Cone 10. Remember, a 400K BTu output can be turned down. A 80K BTU output can't be turned up!
Go Huger!
HAHAHAHA!!! By the time I was satisfied last night, it was 1:22. So when I woke up, removed the coffee filters.. and was all, “Two lil’ holes?.... Okaay?!”Hell yeah!
But you forgot 2 tie down holes!
I just think it's extra important for a cascade pot, to have the ability to tie one end down real strong.
That profile is wonderful though. I might need this one!