Terra Cotta: My musings on...and resulting actions with.

Are you just removing water?

Possibly! HAHAHA! Not sure... water IS being removed...

I just applied cooking “reduction” techniques.. like doing a bacon and red onion reduction with balsamic.. 🤦🏽‍♂️

Help! 🤣
You're not following the thread where I was taking about soaking water up with a cloth ball of DE?

That's probably the fastest way to speed up a process that shouldn't be spend up!

You're not following the thread where I was taking about soaking water up with a cloth ball of DE?

That's probably the fastest way to speed up a process that shouldn't be spend up!

Um... I am not..

I was bowlin’ dude.

Also it was in my thinking that because, with this forge blower, my ignition is actually taking place outside the unit, there is no need for “draw” so I plugged my chimney.
Is this a correct move?
Dang dude, you weren't kidding about putting in time and effort, you even did math and such (I couldn't find the emoji where the head explodes, but if I could have, it would've been here). These pots are coming along awesome!!!!
Thank you SO much, I really appreciate it!

So i’m gonna throw these joints back in tomorrow.. I THOUGHT i was running a bit too low, but didn’t want to push it too much, seeing as it was new to me.

Buuut.. it appears that on ONE corner section of one of the pieces, the glaze STARTED “setting”.... my assumption is that it won’t quite ever “set” again there as SOME of my molecules were partially suspended, and would’ve caught at least partial “freeze” on the way back down..

Just wanted to know if my mind was “grippin” in right. That AND the new “chimney question”

Sounds like you got a corner up to temp for that glaze!

Severely underfired can be chalky, dust. Then more plated but with cracks like dry clay, then matte, then gloss or mature.

Chim Chimeny.

Last time I fired my baby joint, I was climbing well till about 2100F, then it stalled. I pulled my damper, going full open, and I climbed like 150F in a minute or 2.

Remember you're trying to bounce heat all around the kiln, keeping it contained as well as possible while it transfers it's energy to the wares and kiln, then out the chimney, because oxygen to keep your flame ignited, needs to come in the in hole ...a hole! Lol!

Hot goes to Cold. So if hot is coming out of your burner, and your kiln is warm, and the only place to exit is near the burner out, most of your energy is going to exit to cold, not warm, so right out the kiln. Think in terms of energy, not heat or flame, and it becomes easier to understand. Tiny little molecules of energy. You can't see the energy lost in flame, and you definitely shouldn't feel it!

Did you Can Up the chimney?
If it is smaller opening than your in, you will have trouble NOT losing heat out the front. If you can fasten some sort of "in", that is just smaller than the out, you should be successful.

Blow it till the cones drop!

Hey....how much gas? No freeze? How long?


Nice! Thanks for that... i will adjust accordingly! I WAS considering it from the wrong “angle”

I blew for 11.5 hours, And realized at about 7 hours in, I should’ve been operating a little hotter.. :) But it was my “first time out” with this gal... the “unit” is solid as hell... no heat problems at the unit, no deviations in desired pressure.. even at 11.5 hours done at warmest 32 outside temps.

Seems to be a tad less than half in my tank of Hank Hill..
(I DID put some random wood sheets around the tank.. but that’s just normal.... up HERE. ;) )
I set up a new damper rig, been closing it to raise temps when it stalls. At some point, with more gas, it will change and opening it will raise temps.

Started at 11. Stalled at 400F around one, closed a bit, stalled now around 670F, closed a bit, climbing again.

Hoping to wrap this one up by midnight. I'll keep you posted. Can't wait till you fire tomorrow. Feeling success!

Was that rock wedged in? Looks dope.

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