Just joined the site last week looking for a source for Black Pine seedlings for my grafting project. I've joined the WPB Bonsai Club in 1979 and started making my own bonsai pots in 1989, have learned a lot along the way. At the time a 25lb block of clay cost $10, so to save a dollar while on vacation I dug five 5 gallon buckets of clay from a creek bank of the Erie Canal near my late wife's hometown of Oneida NY, removing every shovelful was a supreme effort, then carrying the buckets 200 yards across a cow pasture, transported the clay back to Florida, dried it out, ran it thru a 1/8" screen to remove fine pebbles and fine roots, dried it ,then ran it thru my pugmill, then bagged it up. The clay threw very well but slumped at cone 6- a dark chocolate brown, basically Albany Slip. After digging it up, drying it, screening it, pugging it, and bagging it I figure it consumed better than two full days of my time. Not cost effective at all- 5 blocks of clay would have set me back about $50.00. In 1830, without machinery, the Erie Canal was dug by Germans, Italians, and Poles -300 miles long, 5' deep, and 50' wide- WOW!