Terra Cotta: My musings on...and resulting actions with.

With that latest cascade pot, you appear to have upped your game! Keep it up!
Thank you SO much!

More interesting (or horrifying, depending where you stand 🤣) things a-comin’... hopefully...

Working on this strange planting apparatus (🤦🏽‍♂️) right now... I mistakenly used grog all the way up to 1/8”.. and I’ve been apprehensive to use it... but she was “the last ball in the bin”.. so it was time..

TEARING my hands up... and a BRUTALLY difficult pursuit of “straight”... but we eventually fell into a rhythm. 🤓

Alright.. only those with experience in HAND-forming Coarse Grogged-bodies will TRULY appreciate the effort that went into this form.
I had planned on incorporating MUCH more complexities into the feet through pulling/tool work... buuuuuuut this clay, with that coarse grog was VERY resistant to any “carving techniques”
Also bought one of those fancy-dancy “Weed Burners”... well.. let us just be TRUE for a second and refer to it as what it ACTUALLY is...... a Flamethrower 🤣🤣🤣

There was a near 60 dollar apparatus marked down to 28.99... hundreds of great reviews with the only NEGATIVE thing said was in relation to the wand/gun being too heavy... which is either BETTER for my use..... or NOT affected by this much, if at all... 🤓

I will keep the other forge/raku “blower”, too.
nice shape but the feet need there "nails" clipped.... 😁
Thank you! I shall, most definitely take this into consideration the next time I am making similar feet. 🤓

I was GONNA type, on the initial post.. “He’s got Big Feet.... I named him Samuel Sqwamptch... ‘Sam’ for short.”

The two newest pieces.. Their last coat of non-glaze slip/reduction drying...CB4FA4F3-4EF4-4E60-B555-FB95943878E8.jpeg
The potter who I’ve been “reading” who’s essentially “in the same boat I am” as far as low-fire.. producing your own clay bodies from “wild clay”.. yadda-blah-cetera.... says that she PREFERS glazing greenware and “one-time firing” with earthenwares... so I have a slew of experiments ITCHING to “get hot”.
Haha.. because LAST time.. I spilled the reduction, in the oven... now with: additional bowl, in HOPES I “adapted”. 🤣🤣🤣
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