That's what my guy gave me kyanite for at first, which made me read.
There may be something still to the thermal shock properties, but the way I understood the information, was that it wasn't effective until high temps, that the crystals are what allows the properties to be.
As simply a fine grog, without reaction, I can see it helping still.
Buttloads seems too much!lol I guess some rectums are bigger than others!
In Standards required but not exactly published materials %'s, mullite is listed as near 1% of almost every clay. So I have been substituting roughly 25% of the total grog content with mullite/kyanite.
I use some recipes with grog included in the 100, and some with it added after, like a glaze colorant %. 100 + x grog.
That thin walled Copper Red joint from my buff body that tested out at almost 2%absorption, WITH a crack at the lip top already, is second from the right.
View attachment 346452
I packed em with muddy soil sure to crack em in the freeze. And they been through a dozen freeze thaws already! Still Good!
Mellow Mullite!
Chi-Town Tough.