Terra Cotta: My musings on...and resulting actions with.

EACH of these(those) represents a parameter/boundary pushed toward with variations in flux, silicas and alumina sources, concentrations as well as a few experimental colorant and opacifying variables.... SIMPLY from one ash batch.. the “Diviner’s Ash” 🤓

Oh and that piece was actually from LAST night.. it’s more complete now.. let me “snag” a shot.

I am excited about your progress in form, firing and chemistry. You are taking this way more seriously than the Avatar allows imaginable.

I'd like to see you cut feet that look like the lip and get them settled more visibly towards the edge.

I love the shape of the walls and lip. They are perfectly proportioned, well balanced, it feels good. I love the leftish sag too.


I am excited about your progress in form, firing and chemistry. You are taking this way more seriously than the Avatar allows imaginable.

I'd like to see you cut feet that look like the lip and get them settled more visibly towards the edge.

I love the shape of the walls and lip. They are perfectly proportioned, well balanced, it feels good. I love the leftish sag too.


Thank you SO much!!! This is/these are advice/comments I shall take to heart!!!
My glazes did not “glaze”..

After a little research.. i believe this due to thick, improper application.. coupled with 18 degree OUTSIDE air temperatures..

BUUUUT the two new little shelves I made/fired are an IMMENSE asset.. made my life MUCH MUCH easier..

And the lid “performed” well, too....

I’ll get it right on my fourth attempt... I JUST know it. 🤣

Probably will have to wait.. until its at LEAST above freezing, though.. so my 10 hour fires with, realistically, close to 24 hours of actual “work”... will not be in vain.
Happy playing the new used WI! Bowling!

Even the dog liked his toy!

Wii bowling is the best!

My “Mii” has gray dredlocks and deep facial lines... his name... VoodooDale....

I’m glad everything is swanging “correctly” in your household.

More presents...
Bars... 06... better for the.. um unevenness of my kiln. 🤣
Also 2 lbs Kaolin... For glazes.. also a little of “mixing with low-fire flux bodies like Talc and modifying plasticity as an additive to ‘tame’ certain aspects of my ‘wild’ local earthenwares....... but MOSTLY for glazes! 🤣8B3D19F3-9A14-477C-811B-01646E0D5052.jpeg
I’m a little embarrassed to share this one..

It’s a fiber-tempered, experimental batch.. and the IDEA .. the PLAN was perfect, straight lines.. measured 2” in with 50 degree angles intersecting on the hexagon... straight joint, no overlaps.. yadda-yadda...

But the REALITY of THIS clay was VERY elastic, wild, but strong.... sp after I laid the FIRST wall.... I decided that this fiber batch was not easily “wrangled”... so I changed my approach.. to all hand formed.

So here is this stupid guy... I will not be using this “recipe” again... like trying to form non-cooperative, half-melted rubber. 🤣🤣

Freeform Hexagon
Also made several days BEFORE i received that Augernis set. ;)
Don't be afraid to go ham on blending those 2 pieces of foot together, I think you'll end up amazed at what your fingers naturally shape. Not with the strands of course! Look up things about paperclay for similar limitations of workabilty. I ran across similar problems with that coarse grog.

I think those tools are specific for sgraffito, a technique where you scratch through multiple layers of slip/clay/glaze for decoration. They're useful to go back and clean up lines after things are dry too.

You can probably use it to remove a schrader valve if you ever need to repair your AC!

PM me your address!

Don't be afraid to go ham on blending those 2 pieces of foot together, I think you'll end up amazed at what your fingers naturally shape. Not with the strands of course! Look up things about paperclay for similar limitations of workabilty. I ran across similar problems with that coarse grog.

I think those tools are specific for sgraffito, a technique where you scratch through multiple layers of slip/clay/glaze for decoration. They're useful to go back and clean up lines after things are dry too.

You can probably use it to remove a schrader valve if you ever need to repair your AC!

PM me your address!

Dang! I got this advice kind of late for THESE feet... Earthenwares barely shrink so I can be a little more careless about the drying “process”. But THANK YOU! Noted! 🤓

The requested information will be in transit shortly!
If I may offer a friendly suggestion for HorseloverFat and sorce, you should both be using butt loads of kyanite in your clay bodies. The problem with grog is it can sometimes contribute free silica to the clay body
If I may offer a friendly suggestion for HorseloverFat and sorce, you should both be using butt loads of kyanite in your clay bodies. The problem with grog is it can sometimes contribute free silica to the clay body

I read that kyanite doesn't add crystal strength until cone 14, so I have been using mullite/kyanite.

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