Nonsense Rascal
My mother used to run a small pet shop. She could not compete with Walmart in a geographical location such as this. All the “storefront” product remains in basement storage, however, and I often “snoop around” and see if there is anything I can use for my various projects.
I found this today. Now I know this might not mean much.... but to someone experimenting with low-fire glazes (it’s own animal)... it’s a neat find.
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The other day, I found some useable things in the trash. One was fireworks, and the other...

It could be less grog....
Grog doesn't shrink, so too much leaves nowhere for shrinking clay to shrink to.
Almost every break is related to shrink in one form or another.
That foot stuck cuz the heavy reduction it took melted the outside of the clay too far. The other feet stuck a bit too, but it only needed on tension release point. Good news, more oxidized bits of that dark clay I mixed came out with a pimp sandy texture, lovely orange to brown color, and vitreous.
