Who do I see about a refund here?
So what do you do...does the openness of the pad encourage backbudding and new growth within that gradually replaces the stuff further out?
There were more,but let's not get into that. I'm sorry you have no bonsai though. typo vance and his little chrony are just choking their chickens and stroking each other's mugo pines ...
Why don't you do the same thing? How many videos have you published? Do you have the guts to do that;---- knowing that there are people like you out there waiting to jump on you one minute and praise you another.The funniest part (and this is true of at least of couple of Vance's videos) is the vocal imitations of the people who say whatever it is he is refuting at the time.
Vance- thank you- truly.
I know it takes time and effort to show us this way. You're passion for this hobby shows in the trees you produce and the care that you give them.
It would've been ok with me if you would've abandoned this thread and posted it on a new one just to avoid the nonsense. I am happy for the video and it enhances my belief that my care is the proper technique. At least as proper as I can provide.
I have truly seen the shark attacks in this thread and for that I am truly sorry. Thank you sir -you are a gem.
Am I supposed to be impressed? It does answer an abundance of questions about the things you say and the things you do.I you want to see me on video, you have to go to TMZ.
Don't give up doing videos. There are more folks out there than you know about watching and learning from your instruction. Not everyone can drive to a club meeting or be an apprentice. People - most people- deserve to be able to see the beauty of bonsai and I know you believe that too. Continue forward my friend.And this is why I will probably no longer do these videos. You cannot do anything around here without these idiots comming at you. Then when you point it out they say you are paranoid. Well guys: If you fall into that category you are probably void of an original idea and have all the evidence in the world to back that up. Where are your trees?
Is this directed at me?And this is why I will probably no longer do these videos. You cannot do anything around here without these idiots comming at you. Then when you point it out they say you are paranoid. Well guys: If you fall into that category you are probably void of an original idea and have all the evidence in the world to back that up. Where are your trees?
These trees are very beautiful btw and yes the canopy is lovely. A person like myself could only hope see these trees -let alone work on one. But yes your advice is solid and thank you for it. The canopy on the tree is open to allow sun to shine through to the bottom.Vance, your scissors technique is spot on!
My objection is the pinching you do to the top of the canopy.
You stated that the bottom of the tree is weak, whereas the top was strong and dense. And that maybe someone would come along and tell you "what you're doing wrong".
I guess that's going to be me.
You need to stop pinching the top of the canopy, and continue to use your scissors to thin it out more. About 50 percent more. The bottom is being shaded out by the top canopy.
Look at this apex:
View attachment 79741
See how the foliage is open? See how sunlight can pierce thru and hit the brown twigs below? That's what you want. You don't want a super dense canopy!
How it look from the side? (The previous pic was taken from above).
View attachment 79742
It looks full from the side.
But look at the lower branches. They're full and strong, too! Not weak and spindly like yours. That's because sunlight is able to pierce the upper canopy and reach the lower branches.
So, rather than pinch the top, THIN that upper canopy. Using your scissors like you do.
You say "pinching works". I suppose it does if what you want is a super dense canopy. The problem is a super dense canopy is the wrong goal! You should be striving for an open canopy that LOOKS dense, but is actually very open!
What's funny is he's trying to spell crony.Now that's funny.