Pinching Vance Wood: the challenge

Thanks, so, far its doing OK, I wish it would flower (pollen cone?) less and grow more but looking closely the last couple days I'm quite happy with the amount of new buds forming in the inside.
So, let it grow runners! As I've repeatedly said, runners build strength. Let them extend 3 to 4 inches BEYOND where you want them. THEN cut them back. The backbudding you will get will be far more than you're getting now.

By pinching off the little growing tips, you're punishing the tree for trying to grow. Suppressing it's root system.

Let it grow!
So, let it grow runners! As I've repeatedly said, runners build strength. Let them extend 3 to 4 inches BEYOND where you want them. THEN cut them back. The backbudding you will get will be far more than you're getting now.

By pinching off the little growing tips, you're punishing the tree for trying to grow. Suppressing it's root system.

Let it grow!

Well.. OK then, I will, thanks!
Well we are up to post #183 and so far no one has pinched Vance Wood, I guess you guys are not up to the challenge!
^ this is going on a 10 page pissing contest.

Yeah! You in the cutting camp,the pinching camp or use a blend of both? Jump on in! The waters warm from all of the pee!
no i didnt pay attention to you cuz TLDR
Hahaha! True, very true... Although, there is the possibility that some have superior intellect, and can glean all there is to know within a thread by merely touching their keyboard to type a word or two... Oh well, a guy can hope... ;)
Some people just cant. Not their fault. Just the way they are.
Bless their hearts.
i've literally been following this thread since it started. vance has been pussyfooting since like Thursday or Friday about making a video because he has poor eye sight or some shit. This video, which he talked a lot of shit about was due Monday, and its now Tuesday, almost Wednesday...and he hasn't posted shit. Actually, he has just been saying the same shit for like the 7 pages he has filled with trash. meanwhile BVL and Adair have posted multiple, clearly instructed photographs, plus several different sources which explain the horticultural technique in a clearly defined manner as well. now vance and his little chrony are just choking their chickens and stroking each other's mugo pines about why pinching is dope and that you can't tell him otherwise cuz he's done it for 30yrs and claims this is "a new technique which was developed 10yrs ago". at any rate, we stand on the shoulder's of giants. a technique that has been used for 30yrs can be wrong; just like Isaac Newton was wrong.


TLDR = too long didnt read.
in this instance, it more or less means "there is nothing worth reading".
LOL = laugh out loud...but how many times did you actually laugh out loud when you typed LOL?


carry on

Ornery Confederates.

i've literally been following this thread since it started. vance has been pussyfooting since like Thursday or Friday about making a video because he has poor eye sight or some shit. This video, which he talked a lot of shit about was due Monday, and its now Tuesday, almost Wednesday...and he hasn't posted shit. Actually, he has just been saying the same shit for like the 7 pages he has filled with trash. meanwhile BVL and Adair have posted multiple, clearly instructed photographs, plus several different sources which explain the horticultural technique in a clearly defined manner as well. now vance and his little chrony are just choking their chickens and stroking each other's mugo pines about why pinching is dope and that you can't tell him otherwise cuz he's done it for 30yrs and claims this is "a new technique which was developed 10yrs ago". at any rate, we stand on the shoulder's of giants. a technique that has been used for 30yrs can be wrong; just like Isaac Newton was wrong.


TLDR = too long didnt read.
in this instance, it more or less means "there is nothing worth reading".
LOL = laugh out loud...but how many times did you actually laugh out loud when you typed LOL?


carry on

No wonder you use acronyms. You spell like a third grader.
No wonder you use acronyms. You spell like a third grader.

A sturgeon stature.
Taking bait like a bluegill.
From a carp nonetheless.

I like Carp.

They all spell like that!
Im only kidding.

What base is little b a god of. The base of a lamp?
If you mean as in music it is spelled bass. Like what Gene Simmons plays.
Of course I'm taking the bait Sorce. Because carp can't even spell BVF correctly.
Poor fella! Bless his heart,he's trying though.
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