Pinching Vance Wood: the challenge

About as far along as your video? I know you know how to do one of these, If I show you mine you have to show me yours!

If you guys are going to whip it out they better be huge!
It's what Vance and I are trying to get at. We use both techniques depending on which is needed at the time. Don't get me wrong,I have a pair of scizzors too.
We're not talking grip and rip here. Might just as well use a hedge trimmer on the things if you do that.
Maybe,just maybe the whole debate will come to an end after a video or two. All I know is I will always use both techniques as needed. Not just one or the other. I also know Brian will use whatever technique he is comfortable with.
What this whole thing boils down to is a misunderstanding as to what pinching is and does.
I am still waiting for the thing to finish processing at Youtube. I told you this crap is not as easy as it looks. It takes time, effort, and frustration when, for what ever reason, Youtube wont load the video one day and will another. No explanation. Had to find a back door so to speak and it seems to be loading now. The processing is at 60%.

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Yeah! You in the cutting camp,the pinching camp or use a blend of both? Jump on in! The waters warm from all of the pee!
I am thinking he is in the don't have bonsai camp.
Vance, don't you look at the context of the replies?

I believe the emoticon was in reference to the spelling of "scizzors".

Perhaps if you would leave your paranoia behind...
I do like your video, it is educational and entertainment at the same time. This is indeed a very dense juniper. When removing all dull / not growing foliage it will be much less dense. You have pinched here and there a small piece that is not ready to be shortened with "scissors", is this correct? How often can you do this? Do you do it 2 or 3 times a year, or can you do it more often?
Thanks for the video!
Thanks for posting the video!

Unfortunately, it isn't going to really resolve anything. It appears you do most of your work with scissors. The difference compared to Adair, Brian, etc is that you'll also do some pinching of smaller extended growths whereas they won't. They claim it results in brown ends, you claim it doesn't.

I'm going to have to do some testing...I'll do some pinching on one of my junipers and see if it results in brown ends.

Thanks to all who offered their views on maintaining juniper foliage.

After all of the prodding, threatening and ill will on this thread it seems that the result deserves more than an emoticon?

Where do you see me prop, threathen or posting ill will?
Never mind. I do believe I will start doing it from now on. Thought I had been nice enough.

And yeah, the emoticon was in response to Mike's "I do own scizzors".

Pff. Grow up.
Now,now let's not reduce this thread down to a pissing contest or one where derogatory remarks are thrown around.
It's been pleasant up to this point. Let's not ruin that please.
Few observations from this video;

1. You said, "I don't know if you can see what I'm doing here, or that you really care." The whole point of doing the video was because pictures would not suffice in your own opinion. The pictures were much more demonstrative on trimming technique than your video. From your words, you basically described the trimming technique the way BVF* and Adair have this entire time. But again, you don't even show what exactly you're trimming, they did, multiple times. "If they are not clear to me they sure have to be unclear to others just too intimidated to say anything."

2. There was a point in this thread that BVF posted a few of his Kishu and noted how it was thinned, lots of open space for air to flow through, but, the canopy appears full. In your video, you say your canopies can get so dense that your inner foliage dies. That dieback of inner branching, is a result of "profile pinching"; where you "pinch the tips just to fit the profile." You're stimulating the new growth at the tips of foliage pads rather than the tree back budding by pinching tips. As you already know, with all of your growth coming from the tips, your inner branches die. So, beyond brown tips, that technique is flawed in this way as well.

3. You say there are no brown tips on your trees, but you don't show them up close. Even if your tree's show no brown tips on them, you made a claim that pinching will not result in brown tips and show no supporting evidence. Over and over through this thread, you cried that pinching doesn't brown tips, but didn't even make an attempt to show your foliage as lush and green.

Great video Vance, keep up the great work.


Funny that homeboy couldn't make any type of rebuttal, so he found one typo and attacked.


I have no bonsai.
That video showed nothing new. The first 7:30 was scissor pruning, followed by less than a minute of Vance pulling a couple of twists of new foliage. Couldn't tell how or what was being done because it was hidden by the canopy. Couldn't see where the growth was being removed or exactly how much, other than that it was near the top, and it wasn't very much. Photos would have been far more informative. It does, however, suggest that the main difference in this entire debate was merely a matter of parsing words.
Pissing and brown tips........?

Gross. How can you eat popcorn through this?

For those of you that accepted this on the basis of how it was presented and appreciate the amount of trouble it took to produce it I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart especially Mike who has stood beside me and "amcoffeegirl whose encouragement kept me from putting this tread on ignore. For those of you who are still picking at the subject I suggest that it might be a good thing that the next time you get yourselves involved in something that is of passion in your life, and you put this amount of time into preping it out, that you receive the same treatment you have offered me.
I think the video was plenty clear as were your explanations before hand, I saw exactly what I was expecting.
I'll be interested to hear from the other side, it looks like substantial difference in technique to me. I'm thinking Adair and BVF are suggesting to let runners grow much more before trimming? Then possibily thinning more when the time comes?
As far as the brown tips, seems like others have made if a much bigger deal than Vance. I've pinched only a very few as seen here but never had an end brown after.
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