This is my new toy! It is a portable 25x macroscope. It can be turned into 8x monocular! It will help me to recognize any problem with my trees. It will be paired with my 5x handheld magnifying glass.
Black pine needle! I used Iphone to take a picture through the viewer of macroscope. I'm planning to get MACROCAM Digital USB Camera to attach to this macrosope.
We have rain here this morning. With a little cold and wet out there, I feel lazy!! Just strolled around the garden and took some pictures!
I let most of my bonsai grow freely at this time of the year. Reason: to gain the energy and strength for the trees.
The drops of rain water are still trying to cling on!
This pomegranate gives me very sweet seedless fruits! I have been growing it as a landscape tree, but it can be turned into the bonsai any time! Its trunk base diameter is about 15 cm at this time.
This time, most of black pine is turning into the shoot from candle phase in my garden.
I will cut the shoot back to its base around mid-June.
This section has 2 tiny shoots (1 and 2). I will not remove them in mid-June. I will remove the old needle at that time, then will cut them short in September. Those needles in the red mark are from the previous growing season. The shoot 3 is from different section. It may be cut down to its base in mid-June or cut short in September, depending on the condition of old needles in mid-June.
This section has 2 shoots ( A and B), and 2 buds along A and B (red arrows). I will cut A, B down to their bases. By that time, those buds should already become shoots. Depending on the shoot status at that time, I will cut them short at that time or later (in September).
I really like this tree because it looks very soft and smooth, even though it has lot of hard, long thorns!
I took the picture of the tree during the light rain this afternoon. It was too strange to see snowflakes on my way home from work this afternoon!!?!
I brought this cork elm out this morning for trimming. I think Si will like this tree. Ah, I did not see Si post here for a while. He might have been very busy!
Those 2 branches (arrows) are too big and straight for the design!