My year around bonsai work in the Inland Empire, CA

If you ever want to mist from a hose these are really great, fogg-it nozzles. ]Cheap and durable too, I do all my watering with the 2gmp head, gonna try the 4. For your purpose and minimal water useage the 1/4gpm head might be good. Of course it can screw onto a wand with a shut off valve. I realize rainwater and a misting bottle might be the best for you but you know, just a thought, I'm a big fan of fogg-it!
Nice trees, thanks.
Thanks for information. I have been using a different overhead misting system. I only use overhead misting system for those are still in prebonsai phase when I am away from my home for more than 3 days or use for new transplanted trees. I also use it in the hot dry summer for those trees needed cooling such as ume, Chojubai quince.
2 weeks ago when it was still winter, I believe we had a low of 27°f and a high of 72°f, lol that's a 45 degree swing in a day, it's insane the trees know what to do. This is definitely a tough environment for bonsai.

Same as mine. Within 3 recent weeks, the difference of day and night temperature here is about 40 degrees F.
This is a big olive tree waiting for transplant! Its trunk base diameter is 20" and 52" height. I need my old friend to come over to help me doing that. The branches still need lot of year to finish!
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We are waiting for the big rainy storm coming into our area tonight and two more days after. I am ready for rain water collection! :)

I move the dead bark on the above olive to prepare for big job coming up.
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Plan to make a cavity in this area. Will be required a lot of carving effort!!!

That carving plan will be done prior to transplant. I believe it will be needed much more carving after transplant. I don't know what is going on beneath the soil line (its real trunk base is probably 30 cm deep beneath the soil line, according to my friend to whom I got this tree from few years ago)
This JBP has too much flowers at this time!!
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Wearing the mask, I tried to remove its flowers, but too much pollen coming out! I decided to let the rain to take care the pollen on this weekend, then I will remove the flowers later. ;)
I had to change the location for this cork oak so that I can easily access to it during the season and I can occasionally rotate the pot. Its trunk base is 7" and height is 30".
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Beautiful trees, the oak is wonderful! And that is a very nice shimpaku, don't see too many formal uprights, this one is very cool.
Thank you JudyB.
After raining day, I removed all the flower bud in the lower part of the tree on 3/7/16
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I will remove the rest of the flowers in few days.
This is a little bouga to which I worked on 7 days ago.
When I was watering this afternoon, I just remembered showing you the watering wand to which I have been using. As you might know, chronic low back pain is one of common problems in people and I believe it is number one reason that the doctors have to deal daily. If I correctly remember, it is also number one cause to lead to narcotic addiction!!! Yes, it is a big problem for our society! To avoid the low back pain, there are some ways to be followed. One of them is that keeping your back straight! I had been tried many watering wands, and this is the best one I get finally! :) I have been used it for over 3 years. Due to its length, it helped my back a lot. Beside that, its head was made of the copper, so it is very durable. The head is interchangeable. It can be connected to the regular garden hose.
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It came with this head. I don't like it because it is a little long and wide, so it will waste some water spraying to outside of the pot.
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So, I bought this head. It perfectly works.
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I forgot, it is Haws watering wand.
I also have this one gallon Haws can.
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It is excellent, too, but it is a little heavy! Beside, I have to keep go back to refill the water. With lot of trees, this task will need a lot of time and effort. That is why I only used it for new transplanting trees.
I hope this information will help whoever wants to spend more time with their trees than watering the trees itself.:)
This Catlin elm was trimmed this morning.

All long shoots were cut back to 2-3 leaves depending on their location.
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Its leaves

I believe the catlin elm is good specimen for the beginner.
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