Mame contest idea

This is the Lonicera paniculata.

When I took the plant out of its pot and cleaned the soil from the roots I realized it was a double trunk.
And I have broken it in two separate plants.

Plant A which is taking part in the contest.

And this is Plant B which I like soooo much into this pot (was the only one at hand...)
Sure it can be removed if you wish but not more than one time per contestent !

To be honest I would just be happy for an edit note explaining that I have withdrawn the tree as I feel it will be better as a bigger one, not even sure I will add a third.
I have a little stone pine(I think) but not sure I know enough about pine care to use it. I don't even know if I can dig it out now.
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So I had a chance to do some work on one of my entries this evening. Well, kind of had to also because it likes to get away from you..don't they all!!!

So it's been about 2 months since collection and it's been doing great, even threw one little flower.

This is a wonderful little tree, the canopy being slightly bigger than my thumb.

For your consideration from both angles before and after,

Here it is before any work was done today:
20170624_160114.jpg 20170624_160145.jpg

Thinned out some of the foliage and wired.

Wiring was done in 20 gauge and was patient and very precise.......if I could just borrow my 2 year olds hands :p:p :cool:

Here are the after shots:

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I'm in love with the Boston the point...when it's dormant I think I see a direction. That I still will be smitten. The's growing...but, not back budding well for me. Maybe I need to do a heavier fertilizing treatment. It's growing like a weed though. Not sure about its being as's a project I'm curious about.

Ordered me a pot for this tree...but will keep an eye open for a secondary pot. :cool: I like options...and pots. Lol actually looking forward to potting this come spring. An email confirming the transaction between US currency and Japan's was a successful transaction. So the pot is clearly mine!!!

I ponder though, It's shape...and in dormancy verses in leaf. I may need to turn the pot a bit. It seems fuller and nicer canopy slightly more toward a person. But...out of leaf it maybe to in your face that way. Not overly concerned. I'm hearing ones repotting these in leaf and such as well. Very hardy plant. And...I'm not overly going to stress it. Still need tubing to correct that knee root. Keep forgetting to pick some up.

Since it will be shown without tendrils...should one clean the foliage up so the soil of the pot is more clear lined? For photos when concerning contest.

Yeah, it is one of the reasons I figure they may do well in this contest. They can take a beating and love to be pot bound.
I often see people say they don't like their roots messed with but from what I can tell it doesn't seem to be a big issue. Maybe it is more because the roots are brittle and they occasionally will drop their leaves in protest?

Well if anything will test my theory it will be reducing them further to get in a mame pot.
We call our brain spinning a gerbil spinning on his wheel. Don't per say...actually have one in a cage....just a wheel inside our head.

I know! Lol. That is exactly what I meant. I have an empty noggin. Lol.

Or maybe to be more accurate mine runs way to fast and sees too much. Haha
Hmmm a couple days of rain so i didnt water my trees
Only bad thing is my quince airlayer was below the shelve so no rain came in the pot so it dried out :eek:

Only a couple green leaves left so i hope nothing dies off :(
Here are some of my possible candidates for the contest. Most are too large but cutting back or air layers are possible. Not beyond buying something else either. Glad we got more time yet.
Never saw a bald cypress Mame... Could be cute.


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Keep in mind if you grow out a branch to fatten up something it can be taller than 6" as long on update photos its below 6"

I’m a little confused.

My interpretation of the rules was this:
Part 1: find material
Part 2: get the tree into a pot no greater than 4.5” on the widest side
Part 3: keep it alive and develop into a tree with a height no greater than 6”

I have a couple of trees that I am considering entering that require significant reduction. Most of them will not be below 6” until well after they have been repotted. My plan was to do the final reduction in the spring of 2019.

Is the 6” height limit for part 2 and part 3 or is this limit only for the final entry?
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