That's a sweet pot. Who is the artist?
It's a Chuck Iker pot.
That's a sweet pot. Who is the artist?
SHHHHHHHHHHHHHIt's a Chuck Iker pot.
@defra will you please take a look at this thread of mine
This is about a Ficus carica which I cut back from a crevice in a wall. Was removed and potted last February.
Can this stump enter the contest?
Thank you.
@defra So I just went back and read the rules again. So entries can't already be 6" or under, even if it is just from a nursery, not worked at all? Rules said if it isn't already a mame. I didn't know if that meant not in a mame pot, or not that small. Sorry.
Thanks...I'm still on the wall on this one. But if it can be done,it's worth trying. Boston ivy have been done before...just not as often. Sadly I can't picture a will be looking for a collection of pots to stockpile for the day it is repotted. Once it's dormant I presume to hope it whispers in my ear.@Cadillactaste gotcha!
I do say that I admire the challenge and pushing yourself. Makes this all worth it.
I can't wait to see your outcome on this!!
Why are you removing all the interior growth, when you are trying to make a small tree? You should be doing the opposite, and chopping those big heavy branches back to stubs and forcing it to grow closer to the trunk.These 2 are probably going to be my entries, I'm still waiting to see if a couple of others I have will recover first but these will be my fall back at least.
View attachment 147663 View attachment 147664
My bad, I thought those were before and after shots of the same tree. Carry on.Well that is my plan, I haven't removed any growth at all. It is still in the plastic bag from the nursery I got it from a couple of hours ago.
before and after s
Can we work the trees as soon as they are posted in the contest thread?