Spuds Moyogi
Gawd not this again. Look, yeah, yamadori LITERALLY means "taken from the mountain" or whatever. Doesn't mean it doesn't apply to other collected trees. Saying that the only way it can be interpreted in western bonsai is restricted to collected trees with "real" character is simply silly, bordering on idiotic. Define "reflects the transition of time and hardship." You can't. It's subjective and relative.Translated as "taken from the mountain", Yamadori are naturally stunted trees that grew up in places where life is hard, and the tree reflects this. They need not come from a mountain, and not all trees taken from a mountain are yamadori. This word really is meant to refer to trees that reflect the transition of time and hardship.
Yamadori is short hand slang for collected trees. Demanding such a narrow definition and qualification is not only snobbish and high handed, it flies in the face of tradition. I