Looking to buy yamadori

I didn’t ask for advice I only asked where I could buy yamadori 🤣 not that I couldn’t use the advice. To me, if you didn’t have an answer to that question this thread should have been skipped over. Not you as in you, but you as in whomever. This wasn’t supposed to turn into some 🍆 challenge about what level material I may or may not be “ready” to handle or whatever have you. Or a post my collection thread. & I don’t want credibility either. I’ve never posted any of my trees anywhere and don’t plan on doing so to be honest. I only wanted to know if there was some yamadori available that I hadn’t come across yet lol. I could have taken it from there. That was the depths of it.
To be honest, bit of a shitty attitude.
A forum like this lives because of interaction and sharing.

Your posts do come across as if you are saying, I do not give a shit about you or the community. Tell me what I want, on MY terms, and then I will F.O. again.

You want something in life, you might as well pay the price. The price for relevant assistance on a forum comes in part in the form of sharing and caring.
challenge about what level material I may or may not be “ready” to handle
People are concerned about people buying trees of centuries old that die in the first 6 months of a newbie. You know, some respect for life & history.
If you rock up and ask help in finding yamadori, this is the qort of questioning that is very relevant.
People are concerned about people buying trees of centuries old that die in the first 6 months of a newbie. You know, some respect for life & history.
If you rock up and ask help in finding yamadori, this is the qort of questioning that is very relevant.
Fair enough. I haven’t displayed a shitty attitude whatsoever, yet lol. I got bombarded by a bunch of people questioning my abilities to keep a tree alive that do not know me from a can of paint. Also if the people selling these trees don’t ask ANY of these questions, I don’t know why anyone on this forum would take that on their backs to do lol. Not that they aren’t warranted questions. I haven’t spoken to ONE vendor who asked me anything besides my address and told me how much to pay. Not a one. But I respect the idea I guess, on paper.

If my posts come off like that, so be it. I felt like I had to defend myself damn near after being berated about asking where to buy a tree. Lol. If I took the same attitude that was given to me, I’d have to go vet every single person’s trees that commented and offered me advice or questioned my tree keeping competence to determine if their advice is warranted or should be valued. That would be a dismal task to take up.

A forum should be a welcoming place but men and their egos can make it not that at times. I haven’t felt welcomed. Anything I said was said in response to some (I feel) ignorant comments. But I won’t keep responding on this thread. Hopefully it goes to the abyss
To be honest, bit of a shitty attitude.
A forum like this lives because of interaction and sharing.

Your posts do come across as if you are saying, I do not give a shit about you or the community. Tell me what I want, on MY terms, and then I will F.O. again.

You want something in life, you might as well pay the price. The price for relevant assistance on a forum comes in part in the form of sharing and caring.
Also, we are typing. Everything I say will probably come off as snarky because that’s where this thread is at this point. But I haven’t done anything (in my opinion) but acknowledged the help and advice, and responded back to whatever I felt like was unwarranted or negative. That is all.
People are concerned about people buying trees of centuries old that die in the first 6 months of a newbie. You know, some respect for life & history.
If you rock up and ask help in finding yamadori, this is the qort of questioning that is very relevant.
Thank you
You literally made this a sexist thing in the second half of your last post even though you had rubbed forum members wrong well before we had identified it as a shared/woman’s account. You’re inflammatory. I will 100% agree that the first response to you in this thread was highly passive aggressive (hoarding one). But it took maybe one response for you to be aggressive as well. The initial push back may have been due to the statement that you already knew of all available bonsai on usual sites. That sort of overconfidence/borderline arrogance probably gave a bad vibe. A less off-putting response would have been pointing out several major places you’ve looked that haven’t panned out and ask if any were missed.
I’m a man bro. This is not my girlfriend typing lol. Not making it a sexist thing. I just think there’s a little fraternity vibe here which is perfectly fine. Over confidence? I have zero ego when it comes to bonsai. I would never try to impose what I do or don’t know on anyone. I don’t have an ego here. I’m only here to learn

I stated that part about the websites because I literally have been at this for 2 years now and HAVE probably seen every single bonsai related website possible lol. Not an understatement that was me speaking to how internet savvy I am. I am a computer baby. I have seen every single
Bonsai website, my post was to get those out of the way and maybe get some personal contacts or something I MAY have missed. If I was so arrogant why would I ask for help in the first place?

Idk, this whole thread is just weird at this point and I’m going to stop responding so it dies on its own
Thank you
If I buy a tree and kill it, it is mine to kill. That’s number one. And Again I ask the both of you why aren’t you holding the sellers of these trees to that same heroic standard you are upholding here? Most of these sites that sell high end material I can check out with a cart like I’m on Amazon and it pops up at my door. There’s no interview or anyone asking my skill set or some super concern for the future of the tree or whatever you all are getting at. Which is totally
Valid. The foremost concern is money. So when are you going to take this fight to them? Lol
I have had a bit of interaction with Dmvbonsai and found her to be enthusiastic and energetic. We are getting off on a poor start. Let’s do a reset here please.
I didn’t ask for advice I only asked where I could buy yamadori 🤣 not that I couldn’t use the advice. To me, if you didn’t have an answer to that question this thread should have been skipped over. Not you as in you, but you as in whomever. This wasn’t supposed to turn into some 🍆 challenge about what level material I may or may not be “ready” to handle or whatever have you. Or a post my collection thread. & I don’t want credibility either. I’ve never posted any of my trees anywhere and don’t plan on doing so to be honest. I only wanted to know if there was some yamadori available that I hadn’t come across yet lol. I could have taken it from there. That was the depths of it.

I’m ordering a few trees from bob at Mendocino coast bonsai today. How will redwoods fair here in your opinion?
I would NOT order redwood from Mendocino coast bonsai, UNLESS you have frost free winter storage for whatever you get. You will kill whatever redwood or Cali native you get without it. Redwood are not hardy here without substantial shelter from our coldest part of the winter.

Asking where to buy yamadori is a big question and depends ENTIRELY on your skill level. If you're asking questions like the one above, it suggests to me that you're not savvy about what you're looking for. There are definitely levels of experience and know how for yamadori, particularly species from outside our region. I speak from experience. The cedar elm and live oak were both collected in Texas (I'm a sucker for Southern and particularly Texas native trees).

When I got them, I learned very quickly that the live oak needed extra protection over winter. It was in trouble for the first few years I tried to over winter it at my house. Luckily, I had some friends who have a cold greenhouse specifically to overwinter BIG bonsai. I have stored it with them for the last 20 winters or so (at considerable cost, BTW). If I hadn't I would have lost the tree. Don't mistake being able to care for bald cypress as proof you can hack other collected species. BC is a very hardy and vigorous species. It is very hard to kill. Not so with other species.

FWIW, the "challenge" over whether you're ready for whatever is not personal, really. It is concern for whatever you get. There have been more than a few folks who have shown up here with expensive, very nice, material with no clue how to care for it, and have wound up mostly killing it off.
I would NOT order redwood from Mendocino coast bonsai, UNLESS you have frost free winter storage for whatever you get. You will kill whatever redwood or Cali native you get without it. Redwood are not hardy here without substantial shelter from our coldest part of the winter.

Asking where to buy yamadori is a big question and depends ENTIRELY on your skill level. If you're asking questions like the one above, it suggests to me that you're not savvy about what you're looking for. There are definitely levels of experience and know how for yamadori, particularly species from outside our region. I speak from experience. The cedar elm and live oak were both collected in Texas (I'm a sucker for Southern and particularly Texas native trees).

When I got them, I learned very quickly that the live oak needed extra protection over winter. It was in trouble for the first few years I tried to over winter it at my house. Luckily, I had some friends who have a cold greenhouse specifically to overwinter BIG bonsai. I have stored it with them for the last 20 winters or so (at considerable cost, BTW). If I hadn't I would have lost the tree. Don't mistake being able to care for bald cypress as proof you can hack other collected species. BC is a very hardy and vigorous species. It is very hard to kill. Not so with other species.

FWIW, the "challenge" over whether you're ready for whatever is not personal, really. It is concern for whatever you get. There have been more than a few folks who have shown up here with expensive, very nice, material with no clue how to care for it, and have wound up mostly killing it off.
I just messaged you
If I buy a tree and kill it, it is mine to kill.
Shitty attitude right there. Sorry. But you get a hundreds year old tree that someone pulled out from the place it grew up on, and just because have money you have a right to kill it? Shit man.

I literally have been at this for 2 years now
So a beginner. In 2 years you just have the basics down.
I would recommend not working yamadori but just getting some decent collected trees first.

that do not know me from a can of paint.
Which is EXACTLY why people question it.

Next to this, the point "looking for Yamadori" hint at someone who does not know what they are asking for. Just buying Yamadori ecause they are that, without an indication of species, size, style, means you have too broad a scope. Buying unseen a handfull of trees confirms that. Interestingly, the trees you showed were not Yamadori but just collected trunks.

Sorry to hear that you feel offended by people who want to avoid beginners biting off more than they can chew, and killing ancient trees in the process.
Shitty attitude right there. Sorry. But you get a hundreds year old tree that someone pulled out from the place it grew up on, and just because have money you have a right to kill it? Shit man.

So a beginner. In 2 years you just have the basics down.
I would recommend not working yamadori but just getting some decent collected trees first.

Which is EXACTLY why people question it.

Next to this, the point "looking for Yamadori" hint at someone who does not know what they are asking for. Just buying Yamadori ecause they are that, without an indication of species, size, style, means you have too broad a scope. Buying unseen a handfull of trees confirms that. Interestingly, the trees you showed were not Yamadori but just collected trunks.

Sorry to hear that you feel offended by people who want to avoid beginners biting off more than they can chew, and killing ancient trees in the process.
How is a collected trunk not yamadori? I was under the impression that a tree dug in the "wild" is considered Yamadori.

I've been enjoying this thread immensely, nice to see some vigor out here!

FYI I grew up with the internet as well, and would never be so silly to claim I'd seen all of ANYTHING online.
How is a collected trunk not yamadori? I was under the impression that a tree dug in the "wild" is considered Yamadori.

I've been enjoying this thread immensely, nice to see some vigor out here!

FYI I grew up with the internet as well, and would never be so silly to claim I'd seen all of ANYTHING online.
Definitions vary - strictly speaking I believe yamadori MUST come from higher elevation on a mountain. I think of it akin to Krummholz levels where the trees become naturally stunted prior to leaving the tree line.
Definitions vary - strictly speaking I believe yamadori MUST come from higher elevation on a mountain. I think of it akin to Krummholz levels where the trees become naturally stunted prior to leaving the tree line.
In the US though yamadori is sometimes used colloquially as a synonym for collected. I’m not sure it should be, but that’s personal preference for terminology. I think yamadori adds something in the way Sancerre adds to Saugivnon Blanc. It’s telling you about the place. On a worldwide level I think specifying yamadori to mountains would be great, but collectors have their secret spaces. More like mushroom foraging in that way.
How is a collected trunk not yamadori? I was under the impression that a tree dug in the "wild" is considered Yamadori.

I've been enjoying this thread immensely, nice to see some vigor out here!

FYI I grew up with the internet as well, and would never be so silly to claim I'd seen all of ANYTHING online.
Translated as "taken from the mountain", Yamadori are naturally stunted trees that grew up in places where life is hard, and the tree reflects this. They need not come from a mountain, and not all trees taken from a mountain are yamadori. This word really is meant to refer to trees that reflect the transition of time and hardship.
If I collect a tree in a forest, park or urban landscape, it is simply a collected tree for me. people want to slap yamadori tags on simply anything. even sticks lol
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