The words cheap and led do not belong in the same sentence. As many people have stated cheaper units have a tendency to burn out or half the led's stop working. At this point led's cost way more than other lighting systems per watt and they last the least amount of time before replacement or repair work is needed. For example a 250-400w Metal Halid or 300-400w T5's unit can be purchased on ebay all set up and ready to go for $100-150 (Except the tent which cost $50-150 depending on brand). As far as tents go I find them vary useful. The added reflection helps with better growth and no water leaks onto the floor should any get spilled. IMHO T5's are the best bang for your buck unless you have lots of taller tree's in which case the better upgrade from t5 would be metal halide.
Read through this site
To be fair the above led experiment appears to have been with a crappy light.
If you absolutely have to try out an led light and it must be under $200 then brand doesn't really matter because all the cheaper brands are pretty much the same.
Things to know
5w chips are preferable vs 1/3w chips.
For ficus since it doesn't flower you want grow (blue - most optimal unless you have flowering trees) or hybrid (purple - second best) spectrum leds not flowering (pink - this spectrum has been replaced with hybrid by most companies).
Edit: Forgot to mention led manufacturers do not label lights with the correct wattage. Often times a 120w led light (cheap brad 1/3 even 5w chipset) will only use 60w of power and thus produce 60w worth of light. This is because leds can not run at max power all the time (the full 3/5w of each led) so efficiency is more like 50-75%.
This is the same light as you choose except in grow spectrum
As far as metal halide the following kit is a good option at half the price of an led and 3-4 times the amount of light (idk how many plants you have 400w may be to much? If so a 250 should do fine for a 2x2 or 3x3 area without tree's getting too leggy on the outsides. 400 should be good for 3x3 or 4x4' possibly more.
Hope that helps