i dont trust bureaucrats like Dr. Fauci. He been a gov hack for 40 years (anyone? 30? years? edit: 50 years per google)
theres no fire under the ass of people on the public dole, no bottom line, no risk of getting fired,
no incentive to perform. rots the soul. not saying he is a bad person but i dont trust goverment hacks if you havent noticed, and i referenced that i worked for the city for 3 years until i couldnt keep the poker face and left for the priv sector where my efforts are measured. i couldnt kiss enough ass to work in a system like that. so i know about the systems, and have experience within each of them.
thanks for your kind words btw, no worries
i consider taking a million dollar loan or 10 million or w.e. and appreciate (growth term) it to 10 billion a success lol
its either a 10,000 or 100,000 times return on investment. how could that be considered unsuccessful?
if any of you want, i can speak on relativity in terms of ties made in china, taxes at that level, etc. if you really want to go there, too. dont mind sharing. go ahead. 10 bankruptcies out of 5,500 business ventures = >99% success rate, or A+