Imperial Masterpiece
Maybe you can find stats about how many people were infected, taken to the emergeny ward, how many died, in you our "state" or country. In percentage. Like in the US or in the UK where denial was the rule when BoJo believed himself the son of DT and Winston Churchill 
Now, how many died because of their boasting "We'll make our country greater than the Chinese virus" ?...
Poor sods. How can they sleep at night knowing that they are responsible of thousands of deaths ?
Fake news ?
They're not ignorants, they're criminals.
Ā« Celui qui ne sait pas est un ignorant, mais celui qui sait et qui ne fait rien est un criminel Ā»
"He who does not know is ignorant, but he who knows and does nothing is a criminal"

Now, how many died because of their boasting "We'll make our country greater than the Chinese virus" ?...
Poor sods. How can they sleep at night knowing that they are responsible of thousands of deaths ?
Fake news ?
They're not ignorants, they're criminals.
Ā« Celui qui ne sait pas est un ignorant, mais celui qui sait et qui ne fait rien est un criminel Ā»
"He who does not know is ignorant, but he who knows and does nothing is a criminal"