I don’t think you understand what socialism is. Take our NHS, for example, which is a social programme. Part of our taxes (2nd in amount only to our benefits (social security) system) goes into funding our Healthcare system. Which means that every man, woman and child gets free access to healthcare. Some services, such as dentistry, prescriptions etc are only supplemented, but that makes monthly prescriptions a maximum of only £9.15.No it's not. The government has beern stealing from it for years but the next time you get a pay check look at the deductions. Most of those deductions are called FICA and that's your SSI contributions. If you think SSI is government give away you are being conned. The government is bribing you with your own money.
Obviously higher earners have contributed more to the system, because they pay more taxes, but it works on a social level because regardless of your wealth, background, employment or credit rating you can get healthcare and not have to stress about how your cancer treatment will bankrupt you etc or paying hundreds of thousands because some drunk drove into you. That’s what socialism can be. It’s not all “commies” and layabouts.