your first forrest

I did a planting of Japanese Maples much like yours Guy, but I have progressed differently.
I planted 29 seedlings into a two inch deep Anderson flat about five years ago. I let them grow for a couple of years and then chopped them all back. Then another round of growing and cut back this summer.

Sorce asked me to share my first forest here. I had started my own thread not realizing this thread was here. So here it is, a Water Jasmine forest. I have rocks on the path as a placeholder until I can figure out what medium I want there and will manipulate one of the mounds to narrow the path and avoid symmetry. Just not sure how, just yet.

I also have a question: I encased the roots in muck, as per quite a few videos I’ve watched. How often do I water? I have a bonsai soil substrate in there, but the roots are all in muck right now. And will the water penetrate the muck effectively? It’s my first time using muck.
Here is my largest so far, all tropicals.
Can' wait to ddo this with some spruce though.20180111_094702.jpg 20180111_094548.jpgthis next one is cuttings of the first one.

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Then this..
Just trimming off smaller top branches or shoots. And then slowly positioning all trunks more and more.20171030_195116.jpg 20171030_195805.jpg
The first forest I killed when I first started Bonsai. 5 dwarf alberta spruce. This is my second forest. Japanese boxwood. Started spring 2016. Purchased 7 on clearance from big box nursery at $4 a piece. Picked each based on size variability (as much as I could at least) root flare/nebari and canopy and branch interest. I was inspired by John Geanangles boxwood forest from youtube. Ive never wired them, only trim and grow. I could probably go in and wire at some point, but I probably won't. Needs a nice pot and some legit moss as well.


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Nice boxwoods!
Healthy green!Perhaps a little variation of heights, too...? :)

Agreed! I've got 1 more larger in a separate container that is a bit thicker and taller. May try and slip it into the composition as the focal point.
second forest. know....I dont mind the heights ...

But the 2fers are killing me....them hiding ones...

Mainly because the visible ones grip the soil on their angles so wicked like...
I Really wanna see the others!

A slight angle change when repotting may get them all in view....highly recommended!

I love how the trunk angles go...

Very nice.

@Bonsai toto .....damn!

My first forest. 13 trees. Fagus Sylvatica.
I'm taking a beginners course, today forest were on the agenda. The teacher complimented me in front of the whole class, I felt special for a while o_O


Good idea!
When you do, please update.
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added the third from the right. at least 1/2 to 3/4 thicker than the rest. Canopy is short as its only had 1 season of development. Should increase in height nicely creating a better triangular canopy. Ended up building a box to plant. Need to find a good pot or have one made. Not perfect but I like it!
Nice work fonz !
Bit of a deep pot tough
Placement seems to be good , you could have changed the angles on the sides some to let the outer tree's lean some like you did on one of the trees on the right
But great start and always nice to get a compliment!
Bit of a deep pot tough
The pot needed to be that deep because the trees came straight from the field with long taproots going down. After cutting them back a bit and leaving them in this pot for 2 years they should be ready for some more cutting back a more shallow pot.
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