I just caught up -- love the fact that the scale already fooled my eye, 'til I saw the dog! -- and this will be fun to watch through the seasons & years. 

Thanks .. but they all grow in similar environments in a borreal forest and all have good mixture of akadama and pumice so the horticultural aspect I got. More so a representation with a big forest… it will evolve over time but they will always remain in same container.. prob closer together one’s literal roots develop more.. and more trees on the rock w seedling projects to replace or add in if needed.My thoughts on a mixed forest bonsai . Takes into account . The problems of different trees . The basic premise. Is pots that fit together . Therefore the tres can be grown in different soil water and light needs and then be put together for display . Always thought the symbol of ying and yang would be cool if you had 4 pots you could mix and natch the combination . A strip of moss or aggregate. To hide the barrier in the middle or make it appear as a stream .
I was not trying to change your direction or premise . Of your mixed forest idea . In fact I applaud what you are doing . Just thought I would mention it . As a alternative mainly for others following this thread . It opens up a lot of possibilities . After all first I would need a potterThanks .. but they all grow in similar environments in a borreal forest and all have good mixture of akadama and pumice so the horticultural aspect I got. More so a representation with a big forest… it will evolve over time but they will always remain in same container.. prob closer together one’s literal roots develop more.. and more trees on the rock w seedling projects to replace or add in if needed.
Haha wrong answer , jk I’ll have to ponder my options, I just love the idea of a mixed forest.I'm afraid option C would leave you without your original idea, but it might work out better in the long run.
I love this idea, sooo cool ! How about making a large trough out of something like hypertufa or aircrete with different compartments for different soils.
Thanks ! I will be making a bunch more stone plantings in spring. N if it wasn’t for the damn shade net that one day .. I wouldn’t have touched it. But alas one idea opens up to 3 moreRespect. Just keep doing cool things and sharing please!