Friend asked me to create a larger planting stone for his forrest. We traced the existing forrest stone onto paper and made some choices for how to size it up. Negative space will be added to the left and a visible stone margin will surround the trees.
Stones that have a large surface area and a thin profile are hard to find. After hours of driving and visiting several stone suppliers, I found the right stone for the job. I also picked up a few large slabs that, while not right for this project, will work for future projects.
The forest to reslab:

Raw slabs usually have straight boring edges. This slab was almost good enough as is.

Design we came up with. Lines up fairy well with the stone.

After tracing, straight lines are added so excess material can be cut with a wet saw.

Finished and ready to deliver.

The machete is used to separate the forest from the original slab.

Ready to slide off.

Upcoming work will add a few trees, slightly larger wall placement, and development to balance the forest with the new slab. I might be asked to do a little more carving.

Stones that have a large surface area and a thin profile are hard to find. After hours of driving and visiting several stone suppliers, I found the right stone for the job. I also picked up a few large slabs that, while not right for this project, will work for future projects.
The forest to reslab:

Raw slabs usually have straight boring edges. This slab was almost good enough as is.

Design we came up with. Lines up fairy well with the stone.

After tracing, straight lines are added so excess material can be cut with a wet saw.

Finished and ready to deliver.

The machete is used to separate the forest from the original slab.

Ready to slide off.

Upcoming work will add a few trees, slightly larger wall placement, and development to balance the forest with the new slab. I might be asked to do a little more carving.