My prospective, and that of my better half is that we want to continuously learn and improve our skills and abilities. Since we both volunteer weekly at the local PB Museum, the best way to add to these experiences is to go to workshops and classes by those that know better, much better then either of us…. and get our hands on trees.
Recently we had two professionals work on four trees with us.
The first two trees had been neglected for over three years, the owner passed away and his wife took care of watering… that’s it. Then donated the tree and I picked them up. Both had gnarly trunks and needed a really ancient styling. Dan Robinson helped on these, a JWP and a JRP. He outlined a style, helped initially, then checked in to help or give tips.
The other two trees were rescued from ill health and grown out for four years. These also had nice trunks and lots of branches and foliage. Each had been previously only perimeter shaped and never styled seriously… at least for twenty years. Both needed a reset in style. Todd Schlafer helped create a wild styling on these trees, a JWP and a Mugo. Here is the JWP afterwards
Both pros asked for our thoughts and talked us through the decision making process. We did most of the wiring. Todd showed me how to set up one rebar for a bend both on the top of the tree and on the bottom using the same bar, something I hadn’t done before. He stayed late with us until each of us were at a good stopping point.
What do I think. With out a doubt… worth every penny and the trees look great and are in great shape!
We have a number of trees left to rework at least four will be going to pro workshops in the next two years,
That’s my experience and thoughts
DSD sends