Bonsai Nut
Nuttier than your average Nut
I would not usually let someone style my trees... but those are often easy trees to style. I have a few difficult trees that even now I stare at and I haven't decided what I am going to do with. Those I think I would benefit from bringing to a master - because they would be able to view my tree through fresh eyes, and help me to visualize a path forward.
I actually contacted Bjorn during the pandemic about trying to do a virtual styling of one of my trees via Zoom call
I would do the work... he would help me understand what I needed to do. However he said that he had tried to do virtual stylings before and it didn't work out as well as he wanted, so I really needed to bring the tree in to him. Given that he is a six hour drive away, I will need to make a weekend out of it 
I actually contacted Bjorn during the pandemic about trying to do a virtual styling of one of my trees via Zoom call