Mister 500,000
Geez, Al - you're in BIG trouble now!! You must be frantic! This is milehigh7 you've pissed off, for gosh sake!
Look - I wanted to help you out of this major league jam you find yourself in, so I've been zeroing in with my Super GPS Rat's-Ass Finder (v.8.3) to your coordinates, but I'll be damned if I can locate one anywhere within a 30 mile radius that you could give this guy for his opinion. (I did find a horned toad's ass over near Barstow if you want to drive the long haul over there, but if that's all you give him it's not likely to do the trick, I suspect.) After all that erudition, he just may have to do without. Which would, of course, suck, as he so aptly put it. I mean, he LIKES your progressions and all. Like, that's gotta count for something, doesn't it?!?
I'll keep trying. I've got all night, and nothing else to do. I'll try to see if there's an upgrade, v.8.4 on the RA Finder or something. There's gotta be some solution for you. And who knows, I mean, he's probably got no respect for me either, and maybe if I can smooth this whole thing out for the two of you then he might respect me too: and then maybe he'll buy my book!!! That'll "not suck" bigtime! I'm getting right on it.
Come to Vegas butt wipe and I will show you the curb your teeth. PM me when you get close and I will will meet you. I am in the mood tonight to beat the hell out of someone and it might as well be you. Trust me you might not be able to find me but I can find you.
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