Will Heath Disappeared with Robert Steven's Pot

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Will and Vance were tight'smokin' buddies, and I could always detect the scent of 'Cheech/Chong'Some folks hit their bottom. Dustin Mann:):)
Smoke, Harry, I suspect you're both old farts from the old school like I am, and I appreciate your points of view.

There is much to be said about having lived long enough, and honestly and wisely enough, to just not give a damn anymore about other people's opinion of me. I certainly feel no regret if I don't attract the respect of those worshipping at the alters of the latest fashionable gods like Tolerance and Open-mindedness and Fairness and all the rest of that bliss-ninny, feel-good crap.

Give me old-fashioned, paleolithic virtues like honesty and reliability any day - If someone has those virtues, and expects them from me, our respect for each other has meaning, independent of everything else - even independent of whether we like each other.

Like you, I think I'll just sit back and see how this drama unfolds over time. I've made my opinions about Mr. Heath very clear here on numerous ocassions. Those without discernment can struggle with what they ought to think of him if it pleases them.
What you know about Will Heath is just the tip of the Iceberg. I wouldn't want Will's defenders to regret defending him.

keep it green,
Whilst perusing Fitzroya Strobili it occured to me that Bonsai may be taught in US correctional facilities.

Who knew?
Say it ain't so!
I have avoided posting on this site because of Will's participation here. My interactions with him on other sites have left a bad taste in my mouth. I agree with Smoke regarding Will's negative effect on internet bonsai, although I have to admit I'm most disappointed with my own reaction to his provocations. It was easier to take myself out of the equation than to temper my reactions to Will's posts. I'm sorry others have been hurt by Will's behavior, but I'm not surprised.

Whilst perusing Fitzroya Strobili it occured to me that Bonsai may be taught in US correctional facilities.

Who knew?
Say it ain't so!

I know they do in Stark Prison in Florida......Each year Ben Oki goes there when he does his Flordia Tour.....Its normaly right after visiting our club and several members help him at the prision the next day......
Not to me. I was not aware of this information.

Nor was I, and all I can say is OMG! Puts a new light on him in my book and it's uglier than I ever dreamt. I rarely commented on Will and Al's famous battle of words because I figured Will would just twist it around, ignoring the point as usual. Now I find out he's simply twisted. I don't care how ill family or he might be. It's no excuse. Not after this long. If he had honest intentions and a conscience, he would have found a way to mail out the pots and pay Robert. Harry and Al are 100 percent right.
Robert, I'm so sorry the bonsai community had to find out at your expense what a low life snake Will turned out to be , but I thank you for bringing it out into the open.
Mary B.
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Ya know what Al? While it does suck on several levels that you don't give a rip about due process (he is not convicted of this yet). That makes you a hypocrite with regard to your stance on classic American values. (That goes for the rest of the lynch mob as well) It also sucks that you don't care what I or anyone else thinks about you.

The truth is I still like your work. Your progressions are worth their weight in gold. So as long as you keep sharing what you know so I can learn you can be as big of a condescending, self-righteous bastard as you wish to be. Further the appropriate phrase is "I COULDN'T care less" and I couldn't care less about you in a personal way as you don't merit it. People earn respect and that is hard, losing it... not so much.

Ok dude, you force me to reveal the whole story, just for you and Irene and your edification, don't say I didn't warn you. Next time just leave it alone if you don't know the whole story.

Pimps on the Internet

Act One Entertainment, USA, owned by William J. Heath, 37, of Royal Oak, Michigan, is known to have operated between September 1994 and November 1997. The operation, known to have pimped more than 300 women, sold strippers and prostitutes to men. He hired underage girls, filmed them stripping and being sexually abused by him and others. He then sold the images on the Internet. In November 1997, the owner, William J. Heath, was charged with criminal racketeering and production of child pornography. Two other men associated with Act One Entertainment were arrested. Johnnie Juretick, 31, was charged with producing sexually abusive material of children; and Jeffrey Scott Maxwell, 22, was charged with performing sex acts on underage girls. The girls were told they would receive royalties based on the number of people who bought their photographs.


keep it green,
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Ya know what Al? While it does suck on several levels that you don't give a rip about due process (he is not convicted of this yet). That makes you a hypocrite with regard to your stance on classic American values. (That goes for the rest of the lynch mob as well) It also sucks that you don't care what I or anyone else thinks about you.

The truth is I still like your work. Your progressions are worth their weight in gold. So as long as you keep sharing what you know so I can learn you can be as big of a condescending, self-righteous bastard as you wish to be. Further the appropriate phrase is "I COULDN'T care less" and I couldn't care less about you in a personal way as you don't merit it. People earn respect and that is hard, losing it... not so much.

Geez, Al - you're in BIG trouble now!! You must be frantic! This is milehigh7 you've pissed off, for gosh sake!

Look - I wanted to help you out of this major league jam you find yourself in, so I've been zeroing in with my Super GPS Rat's-Ass Finder (v.8.3) to your coordinates, but I'll be damned if I can locate one anywhere within a 30 mile radius that you could give this guy for his opinion. (I did find a horned toad's ass over near Barstow if you want to drive the long haul over there, but if that's all you give him it's not likely to do the trick, I suspect.) After all that erudition, he just may have to do without. Which would, of course, suck, as he so aptly put it. I mean, he LIKES your progressions and all. Like, that's gotta count for something, doesn't it?!?

I'll keep trying. I've got all night, and nothing else to do. I'll try to see if there's an upgrade, v.8.4 on the RA Finder or something. There's gotta be some solution for you. And who knows, I mean, he's probably got no respect for me either, and maybe if I can smooth this whole thing out for the two of you then he might respect me too: and then maybe he'll buy my book!!! That'll "not suck" bigtime! I'm getting right on it.
Ah, well, Milehigh7's post has been yanked, and Harry's post trumps mine by a long shot, so my last little attempt at sarcasm seems silly, but will stand anyway unless some mod yanks it.

Harry, thanks for posting the details. I knew the tip of that iceberg for several years, but not the full extent of the sleaze.
the plot thickens...

cattle rustling??? Found it on another local law enforcement website...

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Uh buddhamonk, wouldn't that be pot rustlin'?

Hey G52, you made me laugh tonight. Thanks for having nothing better to do. Keep us updated on your RA finder.
Mary B.
Ok dude, you force me to reveal the whole story, just for you and Irene and your edification, don't say I didn't warn you. Next time just leave it alone if you don't know the whole story.

Pimps on the Internet

Act One Entertainment, USA, owned by William J. Heath, 37, of Royal Oak, Michigan, is known to have operated between September 1994 and November 1997. The operation, known to have pimped more than 300 women, sold strippers and prostitutes to men. He hired underage girls, filmed them stripping and being sexually abused by him and others. He then sold the images on the Internet. In November 1997, the owner, William J. Heath, was charged with criminal racketeering and production of child pornography. Two other men associated with Act One Entertainment were arrested. Johnnie Juretick, 31, was charged with producing sexually abusive material of children; and Jeffrey Scott Maxwell, 22, was charged with performing sex acts on underage girls. The girls were told they would receive royalties based on the number of people who bought their photographs.


keep it green,
This is not the story I heard..
Originally Posted by milehigh_7
Ya know what Al? While it does suck on several levels that you don't give a rip about due process (he is not convicted of this yet). That makes you a hypocrite with regard to your stance on classic American values. (That goes for the rest of the lynch mob as well) It also sucks that you don't care what I or anyone else thinks about you.

The truth is I still like your work. Your progressions are worth their weight in gold. So as long as you keep sharing what you know so I can learn you can be as big of a condescending, self-righteous bastard as you wish to be. Further the appropriate phrase is "I COULDN'T care less" and I couldn't care less about you in a personal way as you don't merit it. People earn respect and that is hard, losing it... not so much.

You know Clyde, I wish you hadn't removed those words so fast. Since you have made it personal and brought "Classic American Values" into the pictrure I have to ask you this:

Do you need Obama to be convicted of socialism to know he is a socialist?
Do you need to see Blago convicted to know he tried to sell Obama's senate seat?
Do you need to see the Whitehouse convicted to know they tried to give Sestak a job to remove him from the race?
Do you need to see Waters, Rangle and Geithner convicted to know they are tax cheats?

You my friend can stick to your politically correct ideas all the way to the poor house, but I know Will Heath is not worth the powder to blow him to Hell.

Just think for a moment how nice all the boards have been for the last six months since Will Heath has not been around. Nary an argument anywhere.

While my behavior may be loath to you, you have to walk a mile in my shoes. My contributions to the bonsai community are long and deep, rich with bonsai technique and education. Will Heath single handedly ruined nearly every good contributing artist that ever bothered to come to a bonsai forum. For years I had many problems even posting my own work due to Will taking each contribution into pissing matches. So untill you have your bonsai reputation ruined and have become so biased to devisive behavior over simple trees, you have no right to talk to me that way.

Thank for the kudo's BTW on the work, thats the only thing important here anyway. How I feel about Will Heath is no one elses business anyway.

Ok dude, you force me to reveal the whole story, just for you and Irene and your edification, don't say I didn't warn you. Next time just leave it alone if you don't know the whole story.

Pimps on the Internet

Act One Entertainment, USA, owned by William J. Heath, 37, of Royal Oak, Michigan, is known to have operated between September 1994 and November 1997. The operation, known to have pimped more than 300 women, sold strippers and prostitutes to men. He hired underage girls, filmed them stripping and being sexually abused by him and others. He then sold the images on the Internet. In November 1997, the owner, William J. Heath, was charged with criminal racketeering and production of child pornography. Two other men associated with Act One Entertainment were arrested. Johnnie Juretick, 31, was charged with producing sexually abusive material of children; and Jeffrey Scott Maxwell, 22, was charged with performing sex acts on underage girls. The girls were told they would receive royalties based on the number of people who bought their photographs.


keep it green,

Sorry, missed that post.
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