Will Heath Disappeared with Robert Steven's Pot

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WOW!!!! :eek:

I haven't looked at this site for a few days & open a hornet's nest today!

Al is right Will has always been quick with a retort, & very proud of himself.

Irene may be onto something, but I don't think so. Perhaps he "fell & can't get up".

Maybe Will is incarcerated & can't access the web.

The list of possibilities could be quite long. But I, like others here, also feel that Will is following these web postings.

It appears that a leagle line has definitely been crossed, given the amount of time that this problem has existed.

Robert, I would seek help from the Law Enforcement community if you do not have a satisfactory explanation very soon.

I hope this matter is resolved soon for all of those involved,

Bob O
Family issue, health issue or any other problem causing someones inability to fulfill obligations would have been much easier to understand if he had posted that he was in trouble. Hiding just makes it look like it was deliberate. I am sure all of us have run into financial problems at sometime in our lives.
Don't jump to conclusions that the person is a crook, he may just been ashamed or afraid to admit he's in trouble.

It's obvious you don't know who we're talking about !

keep it green,
Your kidding right?

Will has never been ashamed much less afraid of anything. If he were here right now he would rudly tell you that he is quite capable of handling his own defence. You think Charlie Rangle is a crook or should we give him the benifit of the doubt too?

Given enough time Will Heath would show us his true colors once again. I have absolutely no intention of giving him the benifit of doubt. My asscociation with that crook has gone on for nearly ten years and never once has Will shown any remorse for his actions....only contempt.

None of this surprises me, just another chapter in a pitiful noval.

Maybe he went to the park one too many times.

keep it green,
Here's the REAL Will Heath, if this doesn't piss him off enough to come and defend himself, I can't help you guys.

Not quite the family guy you were defending, huh Irene.

Bad hair transplant by the way !!

keep it green,

Type in the code and then put in William Heath, then click on details, if necessary.

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Here's the REAL Will Heath, if this doesn't piss him off enough to come and defend himself, I can't help you guys.

Not quite the family guy you were defending, huh Irene.

Bad hair transplant by the way !!

keep it green,

Type in the code and then put in William Heath, then click on details, if necessary.


Harry dear that is so old news.....
We had a Union activist leave the company and fly off to meet a 15 year old girl in the US.

He got 20 years.

He was in his late twenties at the time...

Other persons of Interest online included a fraudulent seller of Gold Coins,he too was 15 years at the time.

I wonder about the schooling system ofthe US,is there a culture of criminal activity before legal responsibility for actions kicks in?

If so it must be fairly well known to the criminal classes.
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There are others you encounter online,the guy abused as a child for example had no love for Judges rulling in favour of abusers.

Seemed to be a select circle of Judges operating that policy under the auspices of the Crown.

There was no Judicial Overview apparent.
Sad sad sad

This entire situation is sad on so many levels.

I know Will brings much of the animosity on himself as there are few people I know who are as quick with a sharp word or so ready to fight as Will. However, I just really hate to see you guys that I respect so much piling on, it is not becoming.

Further, it is sad when someone's kindness is abused and taken advantage of not to mention those whose money and/or pots are missing.

Robert, I hope you will consider extending kindness to the bonsai community in the future. Should you withdraw yourself, it will be a loss for us all far beyond a batch of pots no matter how wonderful they may be.
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This entire situation is sad on so many levels.

I know Will brings much of the animosity on himself as there are few people I know who are as quick with a sharp word or so ready to fight as Will. However, I just really hate to see you guys that I respect so much piling on, it is not becoming.

Further, it is sad when someone's kindness is abused and taken advantage of not to mention those whose money and/or pots are missing.

Robert, I hope you will consider extending kindness to the bonsai community in the future. Should you withdraw yourself, it will be a loss for us all far beyond a batch of pots no matter how wonderful they may be.

I agree, that damn Smoke is always pilling on, what to do, what to do, I know, lets ban him.

keep it green,
This entire situation is sad on so many levels.

I know Will brings much of the animosity on himself as there are few people I know who are as quick with a sharp word or so ready to fight as Will. However, I just really hate to see you guys that I respect so much piling on, it is not becoming.

Further, it is sad when someone's kindness is abused and taken advantage of not to mention those whose money and/or pots are missing.

Robert, I hope you will consider extending kindness to the bonsai community in the future. Should you withdraw yourself, it will be a loss for us all far beyond a batch of pots no matter how wonderful they may be.

Sorry Clyde, I would rather lose your respect of me than temper my feelings towards that hack. Will has done more damage to the online bonsai community single handedly than all the years bonsai has been part of the net. While I must admit that Will's name comes up at nearly every bonsai event I go to, it has never been in a good way.

While I feel bad for Robert, it is easy to read between the lines of his initial post and see that he is very sorry he trusted him. He gave him much more trust than he deserved. I seem to feel like he feels like a fool.

I would not have offered his name asscociated with a book of mine. I firmly believe that alone was partly responsible for the poor sales of the second book. Once Will came to the forums and started bragging about his editing of the second book, the off-putting of sales began. Many including myself actually seemed to boycott the book due to the fact that Will Heath had anything to do with it.

Then Robert cuts a deal to sell the pots through aobkob bookstore. Robert could have done far better selling this pot through any number of reliable bonsai marketing locations. I feel that William Valavanis could have done a far better job selling and shipping the pots through International Bonsai or Bonsai Focus. On top of that the pots are shipped all the way to the USA with no cash or up front monies. Why the monies went to Will Heath is beyond me. The paypal should have went straight to Robert with a monthly paypal to Will for advertising or whatever arrangement they had. The money going to a middleman so far away is strange for a total stranger.

Will is a crook
Robert is naive

Thats the way I see it.....I could care less about respect.
Sorry Clyde, I would rather lose your respect of me than temper my feelings towards that hack. Will has done more damage to the online bonsai community single handedly than all the years bonsai has been part of the net. While I must admit that Will's name comes up at nearly every bonsai event I go to, it has never been in a good way.

While I feel bad for Robert, it is easy to read between the lines of his initial post and see that he is very sorry he trusted him. He gave him much more trust than he deserved. I seem to feel like he feels like a fool.

I would not have offered his name asscociated with a book of mine. I firmly believe that alone was partly responsible for the poor sales of the second book. Once Will came to the forums and started bragging about his editing of the second book, the off-putting of sales began. Many including myself actually seemed to boycott the book due to the fact that Will Heath had anything to do with it.

Then Robert cuts a deal to sell the pots through aobkob bookstore. Robert could have done far better selling this pot through any number of reliable bonsai marketing locations. I feel that William Valavanis could have done a far better job selling and shipping the pots through International Bonsai or Bonsai Focus. On top of that the pots are shipped all the way to the USA with no cash or up front monies. Why the monies went to Will Heath is beyond me. The paypal should have went straight to Robert with a monthly paypal to Will for advertising or whatever arrangement they had. The money going to a middleman so far away is strange for a total stranger.

Will is a crook
Robert is naive

Thats the way I see it.....I could care less about respect.

Ok, nice post, but could you tell us how you really feel.......:p

keep it green,
Ok, nice post, but could you tell us how you really feel.......:p

keep it green,

You know what Harry...through all this I finally feel vindicated. Once and for all the world can finnally see, (what I been saying all along BTW) what a underhanded low down varmit he really is.

OK I'm done. I feel I have said my piece. We'll (I'll) keep a close watch here and see how this plays out.

BTW Still patiently waiting for Vance to chime in here????????????????

MUGO (maybe this will draw him out...hehehehe!)
You know what Harry...through all this I finally feel vindicated. Once and for all the world can finnally see, (what I been saying all along BTW) what a underhanded low down varmit he really is.

OK I'm done. I feel I have said my piece. We'll (I'll) keep a close watch here and see how this plays out.

BTW Still patiently waiting for Vance to chime in here????????????????

MUGO (maybe this will draw him out...hehehehe!)

I'm through also, unless someone comes on here and defends him again.

keep it green,
Maybe this will do it !! It's a tree in case anyone forgot.

keep it green,


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