The meat of this thread is already past the tipping point of credibility. With the threads at IBC and here, having the guts to "show his face" is fast passing by. Now it is in the open by a very well respected person in the community and someone that trusted Will with his "soul". That is not something given up easily.
I for one am throughly enjoying all this during a boring past two months in the bonsai community. Thanks Will for once again stirring the pot from where ever you are
Your friend as always, Al
I watered and misted today, whats boring about that.......
keep it green,
I remember a couple years back when Ron Martin was fighting to save his wife and shortly after her death he died. Talk about strength! All the while keeping the forum community and friends abreast of his fight.
Victrinia recently had some health issues of her own and still managed to let the forum know that she had not forgotten us but had health issues. If this was a health related issue Vance would be the first one to let us know of his condition.
As far as keeping us in the loop of a health condition that is his business, but collecting other peoples money and not shipping product nor paying the supplier is just bad business and unforgivable.
I'm tryin to come up with a new name...maybe Fleece-bay
Don't jump to conclusions that the person is a crook, he may just been ashamed or afraid to admit he's in trouble.
This is the most I posted in three months.
Thanks Will!
B.S, one little post here could solve the whole mystery and absolve Will if he is having medical or family problems, other than that, there is no excuse to keep quite, period.
keep it green,