Will Heath Disappeared with Robert Steven's Pot

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If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, well you know the rest of the story...........

keep it green,
There are more than a few folks looking for Will and not only for their pots:


It is worth noting that the moderator over on IBC locked that post because of possible legal ramifications of some of the remarks. She's also removed many of the posts in that thread since I originally posted the link. I'd be quite careful about what you say about this guy...
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Wow, seems like Mr. Heath has left a path of pissed off folks in his wake. Maybe he is "chained" up somewhere and is only allowed to get to the computer for good behaivor????? Someone who was always on, stirring as much bs as he did doesn't just get up and leave on his own.

I am curious to see what happened.
The meat of this thread is already past the tipping point of credibility. With the threads at IBC and here, having the guts to "show his face" is fast passing by. Now it is in the open by a very well respected person in the community and someone that trusted Will with his "soul". That is not something given up easily.

I for one am throughly enjoying all this during a boring past two months in the bonsai community. Thanks Will for once again stirring the pot from where ever you are:D

Your friend as always, Al
The meat of this thread is already past the tipping point of credibility. With the threads at IBC and here, having the guts to "show his face" is fast passing by. Now it is in the open by a very well respected person in the community and someone that trusted Will with his "soul". That is not something given up easily.

I for one am throughly enjoying all this during a boring past two months in the bonsai community. Thanks Will for once again stirring the pot from where ever you are:D

Your friend as always, Al

I watered and misted today, whats boring about that.......:D

keep it green,
For some reason i began remembering a story of some ghastly entities who walked among men with an open cranium filled with water.

A Bonsai pot with no hole!

Could the Original have been cursed?
For those that are seeking some satisfaction...maybe a PM to Will's only real friend in the world, Vance Wood, may be able to shed some light. Vance was always ready to stick up for Will or offer a constructive opinion to his credit when the chips were down.

...course Vance has been pretty absent of late also, and may not know anything.

This is a real inigma, this one...........

Vance you out there...I know you are you posted to a mugo thread some weeks ago?
I agree in 'general' with Irene that family health issues come first, as a parent grandparent. On the otherhand, he did not show up or call for club program in Ann Arbor this Feb. and when contacted by phone sounded really 'out of it', asking what day of week program was. "Heath issues", is a pretty broad term that can cover almost anything chronic. Usually a 'close'personal friend comes forward. Dustin Mann
B.S, one little post here could solve the whole mystery and absolve Will if he is having medical or family problems, other than that, there is no excuse to keep quite, period.

keep it green,
robert: so sorry to hear of your misfortune.

I remember a couple years back when Ron Martin was fighting to save his wife and shortly after her death he died. Talk about strength! All the while keeping the forum community and friends abreast of his fight.

Victrinia recently had some health issues of her own and still managed to let the forum know that she had not forgotten us but had health issues. If this was a health related issue Vance would be the first one to let us know of his condition.

As far as keeping us in the loop of a health condition that is his business, but collecting other peoples money and not shipping product nor paying the supplier is just bad business and unforgivable.

I'm tryin to come up with a new name...maybe Fleece-bay
I remember a couple years back when Ron Martin was fighting to save his wife and shortly after her death he died. Talk about strength! All the while keeping the forum community and friends abreast of his fight.

Victrinia recently had some health issues of her own and still managed to let the forum know that she had not forgotten us but had health issues. If this was a health related issue Vance would be the first one to let us know of his condition.

As far as keeping us in the loop of a health condition that is his business, but collecting other peoples money and not shipping product nor paying the supplier is just bad business and unforgivable.

I'm tryin to come up with a new name...maybe Fleece-bay

Will's got a rap sheet, so he isn't the upright citizen he pretends to be.

Keep it green,
Family issue, health issue or any other problem causing someones inability to fulfill obligations would have been much easier to understand if he had posted that he was in trouble. Hiding just makes it look like it was deliberate. I am sure all of us have run into financial problems at sometime in our lives.
Don't jump to conclusions that the person is a crook, he may just been ashamed or afraid to admit he's in trouble.
Don't jump to conclusions that the person is a crook, he may just been ashamed or afraid to admit he's in trouble.

Your kidding right?

Will has never been ashamed much less afraid of anything. If he were here right now he would rudly tell you that he is quite capable of handling his own defence. You think Charlie Rangle is a crook or should we give him the benifit of the doubt too?

Given enough time Will Heath would show us his true colors once again. I have absolutely no intention of giving him the benifit of doubt. My asscociation with that crook has gone on for nearly ten years and never once has Will shown any remorse for his actions....only contempt.

None of this surprises me, just another chapter in a pitiful novel.
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This is the most I posted in three months.

Thanks Will!
B.S, one little post here could solve the whole mystery and absolve Will if he is having medical or family problems, other than that, there is no excuse to keep quite, period.

keep it green,

B.S. hasn't been on since the 6th, so there may be something going on there as well.
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