Will Heath Disappeared with Robert Steven's Pot

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The last time I checked, you can't sue the messenger, all I did was post a link to someone else's accusations, but if you or Will would like to sue me, be my guest. keep it green,

Most people when they sue someone will go after the person with deep pockets. Your pockets while lined are not large enough to waste ones time with a petty lawsuit.

I would think it might be a better option to go after the state of Michigan and them posting a bogus mug shot, actual text of a crime commited, his current address, and that he is compliant of a crime that must be a huge misunderstanding. The state of Michigan must have egg on it's face as we speak.

Crime of the state aside, which is old and frankly immaterial except that it goes a long ways into understanding the man, is that pots have not been paid for, he is no where to be found, and people that won them in contests and those that have paid for goods have not recieved goods. That too is a crime.

The facts are he commited crimes against the state of Michigan which court documents proove, and one of the most respected bonsai masters of our time has shown us once again that Will Heath is below board.

Why you still defending this guy Vance? Time to cut the cord and save what dignity you still have.
Its been a whole year THIS September, that i haven't visited here. DAM ITS GOOD TO BE BACK!!!:D:D:D

Good to hear from you Ant, you haven't missed anything, this is the first good post in 6 months, you can always count on Will to stir things up, even if he's not here.

Keep it green,
I'll bank 37 yrs. as a psychologist with speciality in addiction(and subsequent related crimes) that all monetary/family/legal difficulties relate to throes of addiction before 'jump off point'. Loyality most likely co-dependency issue. Prove I am wrong. A high functioning CEO once said to me " I work 70hr. weeks, make major decisions, manage my daily drinking(script meds), am functional, so what?" Response...'that means your wife pays all the bills, raised the children, and you chased family, friends,away with self centered irritability. Just my opinion utilizing freedom of speech. Dustin Mann
Not so fast Harry...this one did make me chuckle..

You're right Al, but there was also another one about six months ago that I thought made sense, and I made mention of it to Klytus out of concern that something must be wrong. The rest remind me of "authentic frontier jibberish," and never cease to amaze and amuse. :)

Why you still defending this guy Vance? Time to cut the cord and save what dignity you still have.

Because it is better to stand in the breach for the sake of a friend than to cast him out because of the accusations of his enemies.

As to the pot controversy. I can tell you this; Will had his computer stolen from his truck while on a job about a month ago. All of his contacts and references were on that machine.
Because it is better to stand in the breach for the sake of a friend than to cast him out because of the accusations of his enemies.

As to the pot controversy. I can tell you this; Will had his computer stolen from his truck while on a job about a month ago. All of his contacts and references were on that machine.

Can I ask you Vance, are they accusations or facts ? He doesn't need contacts, he can always come here for addresses and mailing instructions to people who bought pots . Losing a computer is not an excuse. I would use every means at my disposal to protect my rep as an honest person, everything or anything, including someone that didn't even order a pot.

keep it green,
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Because it is better to stand in the breach for the sake of a friend than to cast him out because of the accusations of his enemies.

As to the pot controversy. I can tell you this; Will had his computer stolen from his truck while on a job about a month ago. All of his contacts and references were on that machine.

Not a convincing excuse for many reasons, not the least of which is that this stuff has apparently been going on for far longer than that. Lame.
Not a convincing excuse for many reasons, not the least of which is that this stuff has apparently been going on for far longer than that. Lame.

Didn't people order the pots through the website? Wouldn't the website server maintain the records as a backup?

Maybe that explains the people who were stiffed their hard earned money for the pots they ordered. What about Robert Stevens? Was his address on that computer too? Hasn't he been stiffed by Will for a year now?
Because it is better to stand in the breach for the sake of a friend than to cast him out because of the accusations of his enemies.

As to the pot controversy. I can tell you this; Will had his computer stolen from his truck while on a job about a month ago. All of his contacts and references were on that machine.

Very poor excuse......You can locate or get a message to most anyone who was cheated by posting here or any other Bonsai form on the net.....But I guess any excuse is better then the truth.
This has mostly been very entertaining and informative, except for the "puddem up" stuff. The story I heard from the horse's mouth was, "We hired strippers, one girl lied about her age, pictures were taken." The updated Michigan website and the link from Harry seem to jibe with a watered-down "explanation" from the guilty party. Fascinating. I'm sorry that Robert has had to go through this but it's just another brick in the wall.
This has mostly been very entertaining and informative, except for the "puddem up" stuff. The story I heard from the horse's mouth was, "We hired strippers, one girl lied about her age, pictures were taken." The updated Michigan website and the link from Harry seem to jibe with a watered-down "explanation" from the guilty party. Fascinating. I'm sorry that Robert has had to go through this but it's just another brick in the wall.

Based off the info on this link http://www.uri.edu/artsci/wms/hughes/ppcpt2.htm I highly doubt "we hired a few strippers and pictures were taken" is the real story. That is the story that someone would make up to make it sound innocent. You don't own a business doing what he did and use that excuse....or expect people to buy it.

The laptop story is funny.....c'mon Vance do better than that....oh, and where o where is Mr. Heath hiding out?
Because it is better to stand in the breach for the sake of a friend than to cast him out because of the accusations of his enemies.

As to the pot controversy. I can tell you this; Will had his computer stolen from his truck while on a job about a month ago. All of his contacts and references were on that machine.

I have said many times on this forum and others...live by the sword, die by the sword.

"Tis I who stands fool in the shadows of a sociopath" al keppler
. Should have happened years ago and Robert wouldn't be in the position he's in now.
Mary B.

I agree with this totally. This is the price of PC. When it comes to hard-earned money, due process is usually too late. Reputation still matters even if it's not deserved. I don't know if Mr. Will is bad or not, but if he cares about his reputation, then he had better fix it soon. No excuses, just fix it.
Because it is better to stand in the breach for the sake of a friend than to cast him out because of the accusations of his enemies.

As to the pot controversy. I can tell you this; Will had his computer stolen from his truck while on a job about a month ago. All of his contacts and references were on that machine.

Really? "The dog ate my homework?"
You know, there has been some reasonable discourse about the "dog ate my laptop" part of Vanc's recent post, but I am unsettled at a far deeper level by the initial interchange that led to that feeble excuse.

Al: Why you still defending this guy Vance? Time to cut the cord and save what dignity you still have.

Vance: Because it is better to stand in the breach for the sake of a friend than to cast him out because of the accusations of his enemies.

It gets me to thinking about the nature of "friendship." There was a time when I studied the Greco-Roman moral philosophers in detail, and some of the best like Cicero, Plutarch and Seneca wrote beautifully on this subject. Without boring everyone with the details, it is clear that there are differing types of friendships, with various purposes and durations and obligations - all vaguely defined in the messy world of real-life relationships.

Are all friendships of the rare sort that they can last a lifetime, or that they obligate or motivate one to "stand in the breach" in all circumstances? Are friendships always entered into by both parties for similarly noble motives? What sorts of behavior from or by a friend would end or seriously change the nature of a friendship?

Anyway, just some random thoughts and questions as I finish my coffee and head out the door.

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