The last time I checked, you can't sue the messenger, all I did was post a link to someone else's accusations, but if you or Will would like to sue me, be my guest. keep it green,
Most people when they sue someone will go after the person with deep pockets. Your pockets while lined are not large enough to waste ones time with a petty lawsuit.
I would think it might be a better option to go after the state of Michigan and them posting a bogus mug shot, actual text of a crime commited, his current address, and that he is compliant of a crime that must be a huge misunderstanding. The state of Michigan must have egg on it's face as we speak.
Crime of the state aside, which is old and frankly immaterial except that it goes a long ways into understanding the man, is that pots have not been paid for, he is no where to be found, and people that won them in contests and those that have paid for goods have not recieved goods. That too is a crime.
The facts are he commited crimes against the state of Michigan which court documents proove, and one of the most respected bonsai masters of our time has shown us once again that Will Heath is below board.
Why you still defending this guy Vance? Time to cut the cord and save what dignity you still have.