Whip it out !! What's the biggest bonsai you got!?

2017-05-23 08.55.43.jpg

So some large stuff together.

#1 - kinda hidden behind the tree branch - base is 14" wide on that ficus
#2 - bald cypress about 42"
#3 - the weeper from the top to the bottom most weeping 52"
#4 - the big cypress almost 5ft from base of pot to tip top
#5 - fat base ficus recently defoliated about 30"
#6 - raintree 44"
This is the biggest bonsai I am currently working on. It is a very large Mugo Pine that has gone through a couple of reductions and should be aggressively styled this summer if a whole bunch of other stuff does not get in the way. It is almost four foot tall and weighs a ton or so.

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This is the biggest bonsai I am currently working on. It is a very large Mugo Pine that has gone through a couple of reductions and should be aggressively styled this summer if a whole bunch of other stuff does not get in the way. It is almost four foot tall and weighs a ton or so.

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How many reduction over a period of time ?

Depends on what you mean by biggest? Planted grouping weighing just about all I can do to move it about...then,this thuja rock planting. (34" length of rock...trees 22" tall...widest 1.2" wide at trunk.) But the trunks aren't near as thick as my Ginkgo...which has a trunk 2 1/2" and a base that is 4"...14" tall. By all means neither tree would send out a manly bark...but for one with a bum shoulder...it's big enough.
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This ponderosa is my newest and biggest. I haven't measured it but the pot is about 17" across so it looks like the tree is about 34" tall.

This oak is my second biggest. I would say it's about 2 feet tall, although again I haven't measured it.

I've posted this tree repeatedly ;-) here. I thought everyone would be sick of looking at it. Do a search for live oak and my name.
I don't know how I have missed this tree several times lol, but who would get sick of that anyway?
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