If you want cuttings, locate who has one and I'll get it and send you cuttings.
Regarding 2-1-22, some of the people of the Northern Virginia chapter of the ASA are growing it. It might be that only a few 2-1-22 still exist. Not sure.
I talked to someone that has it, but trading cuttings US to EU and reverse didn't materialize. We can talk in PM. Don't want to put out names of people in public, as that might be rude.
Would be very cool if the ASA also manages to set up a legacy garden for Huang azaleas. But it is already amazing they have those projects going, period.
The Huang's are so diverse, some of them seem to be pure kurume, some are very much satsuki.
It is just that 2-1-22 is said to be 'exceptional'. And it is a pale coloured flower with a strong blotch, which when it comes to non-satsuki is exactly what interests me.
Yeah, DSD asked Ronnie. I believe for me but maybe also for himself. I think Ronnie voiced some frustration. It sounded like he really wanted to grow 2-1-22 successfully, but just didn't manage. Is he that far from the coast? I don't remember clearly.
It is said to be hardy to 0F on the ASA website.
The 'George Drake' one is also pretty cool, but not really my wish list. Interesting in that it seems to be a variegated kurume-type. I think there used to be a lot more of those in Japan, but they grew out of favour.
So kurume really focused on bright colours and mass of flowers. And satsuki on individual flowers.
And yeah giving them names would be handy. I always have to look up the number when I want to talk about 2-1-22.