Approach graft a whip to create aerial root on ficus?

Matt B

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I am up-potting a microcarpa, and I have a few whips I rooted a few seasons ago. I would like to toss in a whip and a graft it to a mid-level horizontal branch. The branch forks on the horizontal plane, and I was thinking about using that fork to camouflage the approach graft and hide the scar from being seen at the front. I wanted to let the tree and whip cohabitate until next spring to do the actual grafting Are there any holes in this plan?
Can't see any holes.
Ficus graft really easily so you should have no problem with that part of the project.
Please post pics?
Thinking about doing it next spring.
I did the repot, and inserted the whip in place, but I'm letting it acclimate to it's new home until next spring before I attempt to score and fuse it to the existing tree. I went quite large for the container, because my future plan in 10 years is a focal point imperial sized tree for my future backyard garden. The kind you need a forklift to move. Depending on how growth goes, I may end up dropping it in the ground for a few years to speed it up a bit. 1000021746.jpg1000021747.jpg1000021748.jpg1000021750.jpg1000021751.jpg
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