Virginiana grey owl

Well the one on the right is "hers" as you have previously stated in this post;
may be incorrect but I assume then the one on the left is "his"(yours). If so,
keep her pregnant and a pair of shears in her hand. Not knocking yours;
it is lovely as can be. However, and it is nothing I can put my finger on, her
tree just seems more "settled" and balanced. Or maybe it is just the angle
that the second one is sitting. I may be looking at one of the sides or something
like 3/4 back view.May be not time to work it yet. Don't know your plan for it.
It could be a case of, "I've been dealing with pregnant woman, THEN new child;
scratch my a$$ while you're on it. I haven't had the time." Both of them are
lovely, wish mine had some height.
Hope all is still going well.
Well the one on the right is "hers" as you have previously stated in this post;
may be incorrect but I assume then the one on the left is "his"(yours). If so,
keep her pregnant and a pair of shears in her hand. Not knocking yours;
it is lovely as can be. However, and it is nothing I can put my finger on, her
tree just seems more "settled" and balanced. Or maybe it is just the angle
that the second one is sitting. I may be looking at one of the sides or something
like 3/4 back view.May be not time to work it yet. Don't know your plan for it.
It could be a case of, "I've been dealing with pregnant woman, THEN new child;
scratch my a$$ while you're on it. I haven't had the time." Both of them are
lovely, wish mine had some height.
Hope all is still going well.

LOL! Hello Armetisius

Both hers...sadly....:(... but at least I get to train them with her!! :D, and the grey owl was my doing!!! ++insert evil laughter here++ because she was pregnant I took over. one on the left is a X Media. It has only been wired once or twice to adjust the main branches and was cut back quite a few times to prepare it for a detail wiring which happened or is happening. I have about 4 pads to create at the back of the tree, I just have to give it a thread of its own after I get all the pics together.

I do not know how the X Media is going to turn out, but I think the grey owl stays my favourite :) the trunk line coupled with the blue/grey foliage that's at long last tightening up, it needs to tighten up some more but it is getting there.

best regards
LOL! Hello Armetisius

Both hers...sadly....:(... but at least I get to train them with her!! :D, and the grey owl was my doing!!! ++insert evil laughter here++ because she was pregnant I took over. one on the left is a X Media. It has only been wired once or twice to adjust the main branches and was cut back quite a few times to prepare it for a detail wiring which happened or is happening. I have about 4 pads to create at the back of the tree, I just have to give it a thread of its own after I get all the pics together.

I do not know how the X Media is going to turn out, but I think the grey owl stays my favourite :) the trunk line coupled with the blue/grey foliage that's at long last tightening up, it needs to tighten up some more but it is getting there.

best regards
I had picked up one of these just a couple months
ago--very wide, low, and heavy branched--so I was
interested in how this would go. When I got it it
was still in its winter clothes -- then it started
growing and I wasn't sure if I even liked it anymore.
But now it seems to be back budding everywhere
and looks like those gray clouds that precede the
big black thunder heads. Given time I may grow
to love them; especially with some new starts from
the one I have.

I was just gonna ask for a pic yesterday!

Welcome to Crazy lil She Herm!

What a cutie! I think she's eying up the nebari on your grey owl. ;)

that was her: "where's my bottle already" look lol

thanks Vin! and others!

ps: had a very heavy hale storm hale a bit bigger than a golf ball, the shade netting weighed down on top of the apex and flattened it, Let's hope the apex does not die off, few bigger branches tore open on the topside where they exit the trunk, used some rafia to tie those wound gaps closed against the trunk

best regards

that was her: "where's my bottle already" look lol

thanks Vin! and others!

ps: had a very heavy hale storm hale a bit bigger than a golf ball, the shade netting weighed down on top of the apex and flattened it, Let's hope the apex does not die off, few bigger branches tore open on the topside where they exit the trunk, used some rafia to tie those wound gaps closed against the trunk

best regards
I had one hell of a storm last year that flooded my neiborhood. I stood in my grow area holding up the shade cloth because the hail was making it crush everything lol
What we do for our trees.

aha hail and not hale LOL

yes the bonsai take up much priority, kinda must seem weird to other people, my land lord calls me the hoarder, because in his eyes I hoard useless stuff. He does not know how valuable a well trained bonsai can be :)
Hail, hale or hell, we know what you mean. :) My neighbors are intrigued but definitely think I'm a bit eccentric. I spent about 5 hours yesterday pulling weeds out of pots with tweezers and I'm only about a third of the way done. This will make round three for the year. Hopefully, one last round in November should do it.
weeding is such a drag :confused: you just finished and two weeks later they're back again with vengeance :rolleyes: we must find a way to make our trees roundup resistant lol
roundup ready bonsai.....:rolleyes:

roundup is a weed killer, dunno if you guys in USA know of it, some crops have been selected/manipulated to be resistant to roundup, and so you don't kill the crop only the weeds when you spray.

best regards
I have been working with a Grey Owl for a few years now, and I've often wondered how foliage would shape up. After reading your posts I'm glad to see that I might not be wasting my time entirely. I'm still a long way from refinement on this one. Took my time slowly bending the stick strait original branches, and growing a new top from scratch. Then rushed the shari work striping half the bark in a single afternoon.
By the way, I did some research on this cultivar a couple years ago and learned that this plant is an open pollinated seedling of J. virginiana, a likely cross with pfitzeriana which is itself a cross between sabina and chinensis. If this is the case it would make this juniper a terribly muddled mutt, and go a long way toward explaining its not so red cedar like characteristics. Not sure if it makes any difference to you folks. Just thought I'd share.


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I saw a grey owl labeled at a pretty reputable nursery the other week.

They ARE different from ERC.

Very pretty foliage!

I've been following this thread and looking at everyone's photo's. I purchased 6 old landscape junipers from a landscaper who potted them up in potting soil. He thought they were Pfitzerainia. Looking at the grey owls here I think that is what a least 3 of them are. here is a pic of one. any thoughtsIMG_2905.JPG
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