The traditional bonsai according to Mr. Andô

Thank you friends, I am very, very touched by your reactions, I did not think that this article would generate so much enthusiasm.
I am preparing the next step, but I need time.

I saw that some people would like to copy the summary table, but they can't, I can send them by mail. :)
I’m interested in learning more about why shitakusa is one fern etc, could it not be multiple? Isn’t shitakusa understory to represent what would occur underneath the tree? What would multiple ferns and understory plants on stone be then according to this explanation?
Fascinating! Thank you for taking the time to put it all together. Your work honors your teacher.
Also, when you teach you learn.

This is something I would be drawn to anywhere. On the internet but also at a show or botanical garden...I hope you'll find a way to publish it so that more people can see it.

Thank you.
Well done @Toche We are honored to have you in the forum!

Wondering how your satsuki fared this year in your new greenhouse area?

DSD sends
Forgive me for this long absence, since I retired, I have been working. :D

Deep Sea Diver,
It is I who am honoured by your comments and kindness to all. ;)
I had written the rest of the article in English, this rest is the traditional presentation in tokonoma, I should find it in my computer. 🤔:(

My satsuki are doing great, this year I repotted more than a hundred trees. 🤪

I also worked a lot on my bonsai space.
It's far from being finished, but I'm making progress

I'm also working on my book, but it's difficult, there is so much to say about bonsai.

Yes, of course, it can be several ferns together.
Sorry for my bad translation, I don't speak English
When I say: "One and only one...", I mean that you should not put several different plants together in a shitakusa, otherwise it becomes a kusamono.
In traditional bonsai, the Kusamono does not accompany the bonsai, it is only the shitakusa
Great write up, thanks for taking the time
It’s great to see you back @Touche !

I wish you fair winds and following seas throughout your retirement!

Looking forward to seeing your future pots what you write about Bonsai.

DSD sends
😔 I have way too long before I can retire.. but thanks again for the clarification , check out myaccents sometime on the companion thread
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