Terra Cotta: My musings on...and resulting actions with.

I prefer unglazed for most “schools” of Penjing Design.. well.. the couple provinces that used figurines predominantly..

That fishing hut/dock is WONDERFUL!
***Ah! A new line of inquiry for me! Any book/website recommendations?

Have seen huts very like these in travel documentaries — not only right on riverbanks, but where monsoon rains flood lowlands seasonally — there are suitable mudman boats, but you’ll have to look them up on eBay.

I’ve been thinking, too, that this hut’s not so different from a little “fish camp” on a lake here. (Ever since I saw that one of the clubs here has an annual Dead Bonsai competition, I’ve wanted to be ready with a post-hurricane tin-roofed shack...)
2 of the “TinyTree” books I own are “Penjing specific”.. ONE is SO much superior, it is the only one (of those two) I have ever recommended. It gives a detailed history of Penchi,.. detailing the many terminologies along the way. Explaining how each “School of Penjing” had different techniques, goals, and as well as the very elements COMPOSING the plantings. (These “elements” often directly related to the terminology for each specific planting/situation/arrangement)
It also describes Penjing in Eras.. relating, either loosely or more directly, to the popular arts and morale of a given “Dynasty”..
Really fascinating!
I bought mine on Stone Lantern.. but I don’t think they carry it anymore.
Ironically enough, my town (that I live in NOW) is a historic fishing village.. with many preserved, “shanties”... One of them is a National Historic Site.

Our annual summer “Hootenanny” is called, “Shanty Days”


PS.. I found some on Amazon.
Re: book
Checked Abe, pounced on MUCH better price on eBay!
...oops, forgot Amazon...
But still! 😁
Still beat ‘em!!! By $12.00! 😁😁😁
Sorce, would you recommend leaving the burner “fully open”.. and controlling the gas with the regulator?

I have been using the regulator more or less just to keep the pressure my burner sees at 0, or a more realistic 0.1!

I would attempt the same, as you can't fire too slow, but with it opened up, you potentially waste gas, and risk a freeze up. So starting minimal would be best recommended, especially since your kiln isn't exactly "insulated" well. Of course, it could be better insulated than a convert!?
It being small also, means that more pressure will more quickly blow heat directly out of it.

So you want to remain, and hell, this is exactly how I've been finding more and more success, with like, the lowest pressure that is getting you gain of between 60-120 degrees per hour.

By the end of my last fire, I tried to boost my reggie pressure but I was freezing up so it wouldn't work, I had to warm my gloves and rub the tank like 15 times in a row. I would rub, and my reduction flame would come back, then it would go down, rub, back up....sound familiar! loL

Oh also.... Towards the end, when I'm fine tuning to get both reduction and temp gain, I find the burner valve to go up more in steps rather than smoothly, so there comes a point where I can't go up a small enough increment with the burner valve, so I'll use the regulator only through these "steps" of the burner valve.

Get to know the "steps" of your burner valve, you may need to use the regulator more or less.
These "steps" also act different when they see different pressures, so perhaps at .5 your burner valve is choppy as shit, but at .6 it operates perfectly. Learning how they interact, and narrowing down your useful zones is paramount to control.

When are you firing? I feel like there is a lotta stuff you can perfect before you go in again. PICS!

Cuz none of that matters if the burner is jammed all in there again! LOL!

But seriously.....I think you should fasten this "door to your igloo", that halfpipe I was talking about to contain and combust your flame before it enters.... I think you should rig that...if it means digging city sewer mains for that big clay pipe then shovel up!

You follow me? This area where your combustion should take place could be easily covered, you are a earthkiln building pro!

Thank you so much.. for.. TONS of that information! Specifically the degrees p/h rise, the “too fast blowing heat out”.. AAAAND the “half-pipe”...

Shi-yaaaaht! I’ll make one of those right now.

I was planning on tomorrow.. but I’d rather “plan” it with your guidance. ;)
Take in this 2 part series and leave Phil and Dennis a comment that Sorce sent ya! They're great people!

Read this article, and of you google it, there's a handy PDF, that I, having some internet class, won't post the link to!😉😭 (Trojan Bastards)

Read all the "technical info" tabs here. In the order most useful to you.

There's a ton of Raku videos on Youtube that could also serve very useful for your situation.

Simon Leach had some videos on his weed burner setup.
New Saying...
Leach Trained Breaches Bullshit.
Don't know how else to put it.
Take ALL his stuff in!
Simon is so modest it's hard to tell you are learning so much till you realize what it is you're learning.

Take in this 2 part series and leave Phil and Dennis a comment that Sorce sent ya! They're great people!

Read this article, and of you google it, there's a handy PDF, that I, having some internet class, won't post the link to!😉😭 (Trojan Bastards)

Read all the "technical info" tabs here. In the order most useful to you.

There's a ton of Raku videos on Youtube that could also serve very useful for your situation.

Simon Leach had some videos on his weed burner setup.
New Saying...
Leach Trained Breaches Bullshit.
Don't know how else to put it.
Take ALL his stuff in!
Simon is so modest it's hard to tell you are learning so much till you realize what it is you're learning.

I know what I’m doing tonight... Bowls of “pasta”.... and those videos. ;)

Also observing the igloo door as it dries...

Not too thick, right?
Not too thick, right?

you are a earthkiln building pro!

Not me!

Ok.. so I’m looking at it... and 4” out from the door LOOKS right... that puts it 17(ish)” from the back wall....

That distance from the wall should be fine since you've come so close to good temps already.

The circumference of your tube may inhibit the combustion if it's too narrow...you may be able to poke holes along it for more air draw to compensate, but reading some of this stuff and getting familiarized will allow you more knowledge than this "I think" I'm thinking.

You know....it's all a balance of...how thick? Thick enough to be wide enough but not so thick it pops and makes the hole to small blah blah blah.

Pasta Fork!

I am making the “door” to accommodate the entire 5.5(ish)” 7.3(ish)” opening.. like THIS guy... (plus the 2(ish)” of “slab” it will be sitting on).. and seal over it.
It will provide the same Surface Area of Secondary Air.. haha!!! SA of SA!

(just wet from slipping ‘round the bends... Not wet clay 🤣)
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Gonna “dig it (my kiln) out”, also.. address any cracking and throw another layer of sand/clay around the shell..

Wet/mix the dirt/earth and re-bury...

Might as well. Could ONLY help.


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Not just cuz I was talking to dude in spanish a minute ago....but cuz...."who you trying to get crazy with SA!?"

And there's the damn video!


This is going to work!

Not just cuz I was talking to dude in spanish a minute ago....but cuz...."who you trying to get crazy with SA!?"

And there's the damn video!


This is going to work!

The “universe” does that a lot....

...when you’re on the “right” path.

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