Terra Cotta: My musings on...and resulting actions with.


Thank you! I’m becoming more excited with each “coat”.. also located another “hole/shattered rock spot” RIGHT near the old “door corner.. like the “quarter-round area” HAHAHA!... so just solvin’ problems left and right...

Now in the wise words of Flint Lockwood “..now hopefully this won’t explode.”

Coat 7 is drying.. Pictures soon.

I think the last few coats will be ash-heavy... just an idea I had.

It's a Wiminigama!

Looking Pro AF!

Thank you!...

The “better” it looks.. the more it has that feeling like...

When you’re parents get you a bike that you had wanted.. and you love it.. and you stare at it.. but it still doesn’t FEEL like it’s “yours”
Also.. had to share this...

From my “nation” 🤣

Very cool, though I believe it should read, "bison dung fired pot"!

Not a bison fueled kiln that makes shit pots! Lol!

Had a “crackage” incident, whilst attaching the door/wall... wasn’t properly dry.. so I TRIED to patch it/glue it with the slip..51702C6C-26A2-460C-ADB9-1A38C9CBEC51.jpeg
Good thing that while THAT was drying.. I whipped THIS up.. just in case. ;)
Sooo.. I broke ANOTHER wall/door.. I don’t wanna talk about it.. soooo Third time’s the charm.. hopefully.

And a little dilapidated cottage decorative structure I am working on with “scraps”. 🤣🤣7D05F40F-98CA-42A5-8168-FFFAE41AFAEE.jpeg
Coat 10..dry.. the 3rd “Ash-Heavy” coat... i’m pleased with it so far...
Started “fastening” my door.2FBDAAA6-FEEC-4FAD-AB99-144B36FB9552.jpeg
im almost tempted to give up the “put everything in a hole in the pit and light it on fire, and maybe some won’t blow up this time” method and try something like this.
im almost tempted to give up the “put everything in a hole in the pit and light it on fire, and maybe some won’t blow up this time” method and try something like this.
If you wanted to “interface” with me WHILE you’re building... we could make it MUCH better than THIS one! :) I’d be glad to offer any assistance, from my experiences, I could.. we could avoid MANY ..um.. “pitfalls” I discovered.

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You're going to burn your hand going in there next time!

Looking 2 pro!

THis latest build looks better than previous, looks more like it might work.

But I can't help but think, even if you value your time at only $5 per hour. The time and the money you have shelled out in propane and parts, is considerable. You could easily have bought a professional grade, or at least professional artist's grade kiln. You have been messing around for nearly a year, re-inventing a kiln. You could, for just a few hundred, buy a used kiln, or for a few hundreds more, a new one. A commercially manufactured kiln would be workable dimensions and have burners the right shape, and air vents in the right locations, and all the other variables covered, to be able to make decent pottery.

I don't feel the need to learn flint napping everytime my butcher knife gets dull. My niece's husband is a PhD anthropologist, and he feels he needs to learn flint napping, but that is to prove some obscure historical point about paleolithic technology, not because he needs a sharp knife in the kitchen.

Your experiments are interesting, and I enjoy following the progression, but I think if you really wanted to make bonsai pots that are durable enough to actually use for bonsai, you should really just invest in a decent kiln.
....I wanted to learn clay..

....I had no money...

...just think about it.... DEPENDING on how this kiln works now... I can build MORE kilns... with everything I’ve learned about processing clay, and the firing process itself...

Building a NEW kiln would cost me next to nothing, and about 1-2 weeks’ time..

I value, heavily, knowledge gained in this fashion.

I know you’re not doggin’ me, OL... it’s a reasonable question.. ;)
Okay, glad you are not offended.

I think I understand. I think I was thinking about the cost of the propane you spent on failed firing attempts. If you had saved just that, you'd be half way to being able to buy a used kiln.

But, you did not know "a priori" that the attempts would fail to yield a durable bonsai pot.

I guess it makes sense, and now you are looking a lot closer to a "working" Kiln.

And my niece's husband seems to enjoy flint knapping, even if he never makes a useful tool.
There’s a potter i’ve been following.. she only digs red/crimson earthenwares (cause it’s all she CAN ;) ).... she just spend a long time.. learning the ins and outs of processing her local clays... she makes freeze-proof stuff... I think it’s about knowing the clay.... luckily.. I spent a year experimenting with ALL sorts of mixtures.. additives.. tempers... And the experiments continue... If i work the knowledge of EVERY aspect of this... once my “learning curves” intersect... I will be able to do the things I want to..... I hope.

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